An accident, An apology, and a big change of moderators.
6 years ago

To the runners who is in or not in the community of us.

I am PigPeneral, who is the new super mod after dantarzysko's leave.

As a supreme moderator, I think it is necessary for me to tell the community what happened.

An accident happened a while ago, and it was caused by the arguments in our discord community.

It was about a runner, who were submitted a run that has a debatable timing issue in it.

The rules wasn't clear enough, it makes ambiguities of explanations.

Some of the members are doubtful about the run, and some of them proposed the moderators to reject the run, or just retime it.

After the a short talk, a moderator arrives with his/her explanation about the problem.

The community members think the time should be start by the first movement, which was wrote on the rules.

And the moderator thinks, although the runner had moved before the timer starts on, but after the runner corrected them, the runner is still seems to stand on the spot where the runner were spawned.

The moderator's explanation is clearly not about the rules, the rules says "timing starts on first movement", and the moderator's words admitted the runner did moved before the timer start.

The explanation become a pardon, which wasn't contented by the community members.

They think the rules shall be in the first place, and the explanation has flaws.

“We cannot ensure that the runner has corrected the accidental movements, and the position of the spawning spot is unknown.” I said “Even the first movement has several explanations.”

I was supporting the standpoint of the community members, and I also think the rules must be clarify soon.

After a few discuss failed, over night, the moderator left without notice, and somehow I became the new super mod.

This is a rough description of the incident, still I hope these would help you to understand it.

And here is my apology, to the runners who sent me your run, and especially for the run which were rejected by me. First, I apologize for my slow efficiency.

Because I wasn't ready for taking the responsibility of an verifier.

I asked the community for help, and in this situation, I think they did a great job.

Second, I apologize for the rejection of the doubtful run.

My rejection was late, and your record has been discussed in the community.

After the discussed, I decide to reject your record, but remember, you're free to appeal to review your case, I will respect your right as a speedrunner.

The last thing is, I don't think that I can be a good moderator.

I'll probably host an election for the new super mod, in the future.

After the incident, I hope this will make the community more unbreakable.

I wrote this post is not meant to blame anyone, all I want is to keep this community alive, and keep improving ourselves.

And this is the end of the post, farewell.

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