Runs have been retimed
Runs have been retimed
Posted 2 months ago by

Over the past day, nearly every run on the game's leaderboard, excluding category extension, has been retimed according to new/revised timing rules. Many timing rules have remained the same, simply with clarification of when exactly the run starts and stops. No leaderboard placements have been altered as a result of these retimes or timing changes, though the exact time of your runs may have changed. If you have any questions or issues with any of these changes, please let me know.

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Runs have been retimed

Over the past day, nearly every run on the game's leaderboard, excluding category extension, has been retimed according to new/revised timing rules. Many timing rules have remained the same, simply with clarification of when exactly the run starts and stops. No leaderboard placements have been alter

2 months ago
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