Guide to Faster Runs
Guide to Faster Runs
Updated 2 years ago by Riskmeister

Play on the easiest difficulty, unless in BLIZZRAD%. Don't waste time on recycling weapons and distilling artifacts. Whatever you find the fastest is your choice on builds and statues you choose to worship. Skip any cutscenes you can. From experience, don't worry about the double edged skills you learn. As long as they don't remove your flicker/dash, and remove defense, take it. Hopefully this helps any new runners :)

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Hello runners,

I became the new moderator for the game. I just verified most games in the backlog. There have been quiet a lot. Runners of this game has been more active as it might have looked in the past.

I'm also happy to annouce, that I've opened a new category for this game. Starting tod

1 year ago
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