Score Events in 0m 04s 070ms by
I made one mistake in the music sorting.
I vaguely remember the details of the gauges, but they look like this
1 Gauge accumulated
2 Gauge left over after defeating an enemy
First time I got a WR in a score event very happy.
I'd like to try for 4000 points without pausing, but it's difficult.
Tutorial (4020 Points)
Tournament and Verifiers
hey guys, Remy and I have been talking and we want to add a few Verifier moderators. Because activity is still reasonable for us to handle, but a tournament is coming soon. Verifier moderators essentially verify runs and don't generally have any more abilities. So just read the rules and watch runs.
Recent runs
Level: Ski Cross Racing
Level: Ski Cross Racing
Level: Cross-Country
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