New timing change + new discord!
New timing change + new discord!
Posted 2 days ago by

We're changing the way you time runs.

From now on, timing starts on the frame the princess does her speech about being fsave or whatever. We're also now leaving out loads cause some people don't got the gold coins to get a good device and since they have bad device they load slower than the good device and they miss wr so sad :(

Timing will still however end on the first frame of Mayro's cake disappearing. This is effective immediately.

In other news, we have a brand new discord where you can talk about Supra mayro stuff.

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New timing change + new discord!

We're changing the way you time runs.

From now on, timing starts on the frame the princess does her speech about being fsave or whatever. We're also now leaving out loads cause some people don't got the gold coins to get a good device and since they have bad device they load slower than the good de

2 days ago