category extensions right now
28 days ago
United States

quit delaying category extensions it isnt that hard to add bro

_Kenzo likes this
Washington, USA


_Kenzo likes this
North Carolina, USA

if someone (one person) completes all of the following categories, we will add it:

  • One Damage category
  • Lockerless
  • Lightless
  • Damageless
  • All Alive run (5-8 or 9+)

Then send the vids on our Discord, and it will be requested

Edited by the author 24 days ago

im excited for these categories.

TallCowYT likes this

if one person cmpletes one of those or all of them?


You need to do one run for 5 categories and etc. Also all the runs need to be by the submitter i think

Edited by the author 27 days ago
North Carolina, USA

@ghouma one person must complete all

Seoul, South Korea

not in the same run but it is possible

however it is easier to just do 5 separate runs for the CE boards

London, England

Sorry I'm a bit late to this, been really busy for the past few days but yeah i will finish the category extensions as soon as possible, probably gonna do lightless and lockerless and damageless in the same run because I think it will take way less time. Although even after I submit the CE it takes the Roblox src mods like 3 weeks to accept it. I'll do my best to get it done ASAP.

But @crackhead_bean this does seem a little rude imo, you gotta be considerate that us moderators have lives outside of playing Pressure. Come on man.

_Kenzo likes this
North Carolina, USA

@crackhead_bean @Nolyswag @kaneaedt @ghouma category extensions are out HERE

Edited by the author 21 days ago
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About the "Friendly Fire" update.

We've gotten a couple threads about how "oh friendly fire update came out, we should wipe the lb for it!!!! !!", well I'm here to say that we won't do that and the decision will be final.

The update itself doesn't really affect speedrunning itself, since the turrets aren't that hard to pass and

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