Please add a custom difficulty category for this game.
8 months ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hello everybody, I would like to request that category of custom difficulty/server configuration. I would like to have this category on the site to make people have interest in running it without depending to run a 7h+ run to beat All Bosses.

If positive, I would like to thank you guys.

If negative, I would like to know the reason why not.

I already have a run of this category and I'm eager to submit it.

zigfried, YzzoBR and 5 others like this

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Result of the Poll to Allow Lifmunk or not

The result of the poll ran on Discord regarding what should happen in runs that Lifmunk's /クルリス ability is used in a way that relies on good PCs/hardware has concluded and it was decided that:

**Outside of UNRESTRICTED runs, Lifmunk/クルリス abusing is banned until further notic

8 months ago
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