Marienford Mode (short route)
Marienford Mode (short route)
Updated 1 year ago by Sayarara

Last update : 25/11/2023

Basic knowledge

To clear the mode, you only need to play 34 levels (on 45), all aren’t compulsory to play. Moreover, you can sometimes choose your own path (usually one is faster by far compared to the other)

Using special techs is generally safer but not faster

For timed level running away from your opponent is safer, also when you or your opponent use a special attack the timer in-game freeze so when you use special tech be sure to kill him/her under 1min (or 90s) in real-time otherwise you just lose time on your run

Skip animation by pressing start

Diagonals movements seems better to dodge attack

Don’t go to fast on level screen selection, JPN version may run faster and smoother

Advance tech

While running, jump will move you forward while SP recovers even after being hit

Hit your opponent in the air and into the wall may deals more damage, also works with special tech

When running to your opponent, wait the moment they it the ground so you don't run to the void, especially when they hit the ground to recover

You and your opponent can do what I call a “perfect dodge”, a blue light sparkle around you or your opponent. When you did it some attacks will not eject you and you take less damage, it is interesting to use this ability to combo on some situation you would not. When your opponent gets this blue light, you usually want to wait a bit before hitting him/her because you deal less damage even with special tech! Sometimes you can also hit him/her without ejecting and it could be interesting but very situational

Path and levels strats

Whitebeard’s levels

Whitebeard vs Aokiji : A --> A --> L+A in the air and then L+A You can one shot if you’re lucky but usually you’ll need to use 2 special tech

Marco vs Kizaru (MK) OR Jozu vs Mihawk (JM) :

  1. MK : -Safer : AAA --> X is basic combo, do X attack when Kizaru is laid down so you don’t have to wait the animation to hit him again. You can use 3 times your special tech which is about 2/3 of his life, hopefully he almost never dodge your special and even if he does it has no influence on damage dealt -Faster : Spam AAA + X toward him while he is on the ground then press A right before touching him, when he is near the wall just spam AAA, don't use special
  2. JM : Just running around is easier but you may try to kill him under 1min RTA

Jozu vs Akainu : Spam A, sometimes use X when he uses his magma arm. If you’re in break rush only use A and not AA combo when he is attaing on the ground (if he jump, no luck)

Whitebeard vs marines : Use special tech, when your SP is empty just press A to one shot marines

Whitebeard vs Aokiji and Marines : Use special tech, when your SP is empty just press A to one shot marines. Don’t try to kill aokiji, even if you try, you’ll kill 30 marines faster anyway

Ace vs Aokiji : 4 special tech kills him, however Aokiji dodge a lot so be sure to get proper timing to kill him. Use your special tech when he jumps, or right after he uses his special tech or a dodge.

Ace vs Akainu :

  • Safer --> Run away and don’t hit him when he uses his special
  • Faster --> 4 special tech deals around ½ of his hp (then you’re low SP), then spam jump attack

Marco vs Aokiji : Aokiji dodge a lot so be sure to get proper timing to use your special tech. 3 special tech deals around ½ of his hp (then you’re low SP), then use AAA combo. If you feel brave don't use special tech to save time. The easiest timing to get him is attacking right after he has done his jump attack. Pay attention to his freezing attack and special tech otherwise you will lose time !

Whiterbeard vs Captain’s Orders : Use special tech, when your SP is empty just press A to one shot marines

Whitebeard vs Blackbeard : A --> L+A in air

Luffy’s levels

Luffy’s grand entrance ! : Walk to avoid crocodile’s first attack then spam AAA. 2 special tech deals between ½ and ¾ of his hp (then you’re low SP). Avoid his sand tornado at all costs, if you get hit by his sand throw right after getting hit avoid in air and you’ll recover faster (seems to work only if you have a bit of SP available but doesn’t consume it though)

Ivankov vs Kizaru : Just survive It’s possible to kill him before the end of in-game time but using 2 special tech makes you lose between 5-6secs, and it is too hard for consistently kill him under this time. I already kill him before the end of timing but never under this time.

Luffy vs zombie army : AA combo kill a zombie, focus only to kill zombies. Don’t use Gear 2 because the animation is too long and makes you waste time

Jinbe vs Moria (JM) OR Ivankov vs Bartholomew Kuma (BK) :

  1. JM : Spam AA and dodge in diagonals, don’t use special tech because you can deal more damage by spamming AA
  2. BK : Use 2 special tech (then you’re low SP), and do AAA combo and dash attack

Luffy vs Mihawk :

  • Safer --> Just survive
  • VERY HARD HOLY MOLY --> If you feel brave (like me), try to deal some damage with AAA combo and special tech but getting the good timing is hard and seems random for me (for the moment, maybe I'll find a way to beat him properly)

Luffy vs the 3 admirals : Just survive

Luffy vs marines : This time use gear 2 and use only AA combo to kill marines

Ivankov vs Marines (IM) OR Crocodile vs Mihawk (CM) :

  1. IM : Use 2 special tech (then you’re low SP), go into break rush by doing dash attack at the end and use special tech again. Finish the level by doing dash attack on some marines
  2. CM : Use 3 special tech (then you’re low SP), and spam AA to kill him

Luffy vs Garp : Use AAA combo and dodge attack. When Garp do his jump attack dodge and combo him to deals more damage. I recommend using your special tech behind him when he throws his bullet, but you can use it whenever you want, 2 special tech deals around ½ of his hp (then you’re low SP).

Luffy vs marine : This time (again) use gear 2 and use only AA combo to kill marines

Crocodile vs Akainu (CA) OR Jinbe vs Akainu (JA) :

  1. CA : Just survive, this level may be beaten faster in-game time
  2. JA :
  • Safer --> Just survive
  • Faster (hard) --> Begin by using X then Spam AA combo and run on him after ejecting. When he does his jump attack just dodge when he is under the ground.

Buggy vs Akainu :

  • Safer --> Just survive
  • Faster (very hard) --> 2 special tech deals less than ½ of his hp (then you’re low SP). I recommend using L+X instead of L+A because it is easier of use, but nothing really change. Spam AA combo and to avoid his jump attack go side way when he is jumping and dodge when he is under the ground.

Shichibukai’s levels

Moria vs Luffy : Spam AA combo and use twice your special tech

Hancock vs Smoker (SM) OR Bartholomew Kuma vs Ivankov (BI) :

  1. HS : Dodge his 1st attack then spam AAA combo. Using special tech is safer but slower
  2. BI : Use 3 time your special tech and spam AA

Mihawk vs Buggy : 3 special tech kills him (2 if you’re lucky or timed nicely your attacks), if he didn’t die use AA combo or dash attack

Doflamingo vs Crocodile : Use your special attack then good luck. AAA combo is nice to deals damage but hard to place and X has a large hitbox but less damage.

Hancock vs pacifista : Use your special tech by hit both of Kuma then kill them. Do it again with one this time. If you only hit one at the beginning just kill him and try again.

Marines’ levels

Akainu vs pirates : Spam AA

Aokiji vs Jozu : Spam special tech

Akainu vs Whitebeard : Spam AA and don’t use special tech because of inconstancies

Akainu vs Whitebeard :

  1. Safer --> Just survive
  2. Faster --> Spam AA and don’t use special tech because of inconstancies

Blackbeard’s levels

Blackbeard vs Whitebeard : Use 3 special tech (then you’re low SP), and spam AA to kill him

Blackbeard vs marines : Use twice your special tech

Red Hair level

Shanks vs Akainu :

  1. 1st phase : Spam AAA combo but you can also use one time your special tech
  2. 2nd phase : use your special tech when he is jumping, you can kill him by using 2 or 3 special tech. Use AAA combo if you didn’t kill him
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