Step 1: Download the SparkingZeroForVersion2007.asl Autosplitter here
Step 2: Open LiveSplit and right click the timer.
Step 3: Click Edit Layout.
Step 4: In the new opened window, press the + button in the top left.
Step 5: Select Control -> Scriptable Auto Splitter.
Step 6: Double Click the Scriptable Auto Splitter and click Browse.
Step 7: Select the SparkingZeroForVersion2007.asl, then close all windows.
Final Step: Right Click in the LiveSplit timer -> Compare Against -> Game Time.
OBS: Start the timer folowing the rules in the leaderboard tab. The timer will automaticaly pause whenever there's no health bar loaded (outside battles), so try to split after the fight ends (outside battles).
Credits: Infamous and Nighlin
DLC characters have been added and updated to the tournament annotations. The current runs will be updated as well with the annotation of the character used.
There is still quite a bit more dlc coming this year!