United Statesnick_reznee1 month ago

Referencing the rules on what's considered a solo run -

Player count is defined as the number of inputs. Additional player characters spawned during the course of a run (Start of Day 1 to End of Day 15) are not allowed.

Any change to player count (including any additional name plate appearance, disconnecting, adding, or removing inputs) during a day before all customers have been called/spawned will require the day to be restarted (returning to lobby, and re-entering the restaurant through the save table.)

Since player count is only described as player count in the number of inputs, rather than by unique inputs, never had a plate appearance during the day, and never had more than two players spawned during the run, this is technically a solo speedrun.

There is past precedent with Ambersz doing the opposite, by using multiple inputs from a single player to run a larger category -

United Statesnick_reznee6 months ago

Extra Milk -> Individual Dining -> High Standards -> Latte -> Affordable -> Cake Stand -> Ice Cream -> Photographic Memory -> Iced Coffee -> High Quality -> Personalized Waiting -> Splash Zone -> High Expectations -> Extra Sugar

United Statesnick_reznee7 months ago

NOTE TO SELF: Fix the video upload UHHH

About nick_reznee
Streamer turned speedy, found on
8 months ago
1 day ago
Games run
Last run 1 month ago