
The one Emu run on the leaderboard by SimpleAttack is actually not complete. Once you beat the final boss, after the cutscene, it boots you back to the world map where you have to select the village in order for the last cutscene to play to then go to credits. Here's a casual playthrough someone did on youtube that shows it just booting you to the world map after the final boss. (Check at 23:55)

The game still let's you select any location, but you still need to select the village in order to beat the main story of the game. The run by SimpleAttack doesn't show this and just stops on the final hit on the final boss. I know for some games time stops on the final boss, but that usually happens when there's nothing left to select.

The rule needs to be changed to where time ends when credits start.

I uploaded the image showing some patterns to the Resources Section. Few things to Note thou.

#1 It's not 100% perfect. Sometimes it's not even close, other times the cards, but they're in the wrong place by like a card or 2. However they do seems to be in the correct locations enough times for this to be worth it.

#2 Stronger Enemies Groups seem to appear more often, but usually at the very start before you can deal with them. First encounter Onion/3 Orange Saibamen, no items and can't escape...that's a reset. I've had this happen more then I'd like.

#3 It seems to work better (If at all) when you start the run at a certain time. Let the Title Intro play out and then you see Vegeta with the scouter, it'll shine, then start flashing over and over. Right when it's about to flash the 10th time, press START and then instantly after, press A and you'll select New Game and start the run.

#4 I play using the English Patch (Red Comet's), so I don't know if this works on JP original. As of now, I use FCEUX 2.2.3.

Thanks for bring this up. Also sense you've been working on a bunch of stuff in regards to this game, I have made you Super Mod for the game.

WagnerBrasil likes this

I decided to upload a video timing it all. #1 Normal Wins by 3-4 seconds. #2 Normal Wins by 1 second. #3 Glitched Wins by 12 seconds...that 3rd one took a bit of editing sense the last run's timing was a bit different and I had to account different things for it.

H1pp0_ likes this

Also if you hardlock via the 2nd glitch zombie not spawning after the door, you did the glitch wrong and the first glitch zombie wasn't set in the right spot.

I've accounted for switching guns too. First boss is just better to do it normally as the glitch will never save time unless your aim is REALLY bad (Like miss 4 shots or more bad). 2nd breaks even at best if you think your fight might go bad (Hand gun change is accounted for that.) 3rd has always been an issue, but it's still the only one worth doing. Now if you decide to get the backup Ammo, you shouldn't have any issues and you'll still save time using the glitch, just not as much. Also if you fail the glitch and are low on HP and die right away, the glitch has a higher chance of working.

I've time tested the first 2 you did for about an hour or 2 before posting this info and there is no time save to be had unless you're worried about missing your aim. Because they DON'T save time, if you didn't use them, you could have beaten my time by an even larger amount. They are swag points sense they don't help.

I'm confused sense I did a soft reset in town once I beat the first dungeon, but it didn't work and I got a different dungeon layout. Do you have to beat both dungeons for it to work? Also does this tricky work for all regions or does it only work for JP?

So in this game , you can glitch the bosses to turn into a normal zombie, and then after defeating the normal Zombie, move on a bit and then skip the cutscene that plays after defeating said boss, but your in a different spot/making progress. There is, as of now, 3 locations we know we can trigger this. However, only one is actually worth doing.

The First boss can be glitched by taking the last zombie we normally go past to enter the hall before the next room with the boss. We have that zombie follow us close enough and then enter where the boss is. If done right, the zombie will swing at us while the boss fight cutscene plays. Sadly, the setup is slow and it makes you lose about 6-8 seconds compared to just doing the fight. Also even after doing the setup, if the zombie decides to walk away right away, it can possibly cancel the glitch anyway, which would make you lose even more time.

The Boss Fight using Leon with the Gas Grenade in the Basement Machine room of the Boat is the next one. There are stairs you go down and then right a bit to fight the boss. to the left of those stairs is a zombie you can trick into following you like the other zombie before. This also loses time by about 0-6 seconds. The reason I say0-6 is cause If you fight the boss normally and get the quick kill, you save about 6 seconds. If you don't get the quick kill, it should take you about another 4-6 seconds to kill. So at worst fight cases if you're doing things right, the glitch only breaks even at absolute best and if the glitch fails due to the zombie walking away, you lose about 4 seconds.

The Last 2 back to back bosses at the end can be glitched and is the only one that's worth doing. The bottom room right before the boss, which is just standing there, there is a zombie in there. You want to stand in the doorway, hugging the right wall, but have him notice you. Once he grabs you, you'll be released and not enter the fight no matter what. If during the music that played it goes into yet another music track, then the glitch worked. Once released straight up and you should see a random zombie has spawned trying to get you. Just keep heading straight up sense it's grab won't do anything. You'll squeeze between him and the right wall and are able to now trigger the boss. If fully done right, the zombie will try to grab at you again while you're stuck. The fight should now be the zombie. after killing it, go through the right door and just keep holding right and ignore the other zombie that's spawn just under that door. After the cutscene, you should see one of two things, ether a pixel glitched boss or the boss fully there, but just stuck in place. If it's pixel glitched, just hold right and go through it to enter the final cutscene. If it's fully there , but stuck in place, instead go up while avoid the other zombies and sooner or later the final cutscene will play. This glitch is very annoying to pull off, but if you do, you save around 25-35 seconds. Some of that is skipping the bosses and some of that is more if you skipped getting the back up grenades during the Barry submarine escape section (that's about 6-8 seconds).

So while all of these in a run are cool/swag points, only the last one actually saves time.

Skipping Flowey skips all the story parts of the game for the most part, so it doesn't count towards the normal category runs. I'm guess the goal would be around 5 minutes or so. The only fight in this is against the bat as long as you can time it right to skip the normal battles. Here's a video I made so you can see more about it.

If anyone thinks they might be able to make a rando for this game, that'd be really great. I think this is the YuGiOh game that needs a Rando the most. I already made a pastebin of ideas.

FarmingSim likes this

The reason emulators are not talked much is cause the emulator works fine for Challenge Mode, but they always seem to crash in the same spot in the main stories. However Dolphin Version 3.0-232 gets past the crashing. That version of the emu clears Cache every once in a little bit to remove any unneeded data so the game doesn't overload with data and crash. At least I think that's how it works. You can find the emu just by searching it in google and it should be one of the first results. It should say download archiv sense it's a very old version of it. I'm very slowly reworking out a route for Kaiba's Story which will get Moisture Creature and No Money Code. Also when you do get the emu, make sure to go to graphics options and change to Direct3D 11. Direct3D 9 causes the cursor to be transparent during character/team building.

Just gonna post this instead of editing the previous comment.

The 7-Card Item Matching game is somewhat figured out. I found out that there are not that many pattern/setups made for the mini-game. Grampa Gohan is the only card that's inconsistent. He seems to randomly replace a card sometimes in the patterns. He seems to be the rarest thou and due to finding a somewhat easier way to get items you want now, Grampa Gohan is not really needed.

Now also due to figuring this out, this also means you can complete the whole mini-game via matching every card. This means the mini-game will allow you to pick any card in the game. This should make the first stage and a couple of middle stages a bit easier. I'll post the patterns later on in resources or something.

I wish they would make an Emulator Category. I've been wanting to do some runs of this. Sadly, I don't see it happening, if ever.

Due to how broken these glitches are and that the battles are not really battles anymore, I feel like they don't count towards Any%

HOWEVER, I will make this it's own Category. After looking at the run more and seeing those glitches for the first time, it deserves it own Category here. It'll be called Radar% and the two glitches will be called Radar Glitch and BP Overflow Glitch.

Also I'd recommend at some point to record videos explaining how these glitches work and upload them in the Guides section here.

Just remember not to use any turbo.

I should be obvious that turbo controllers and anything related to turbo will no be aloud for this leaderboard. Someone tried to submit a run with turbo and some super game breaking glitches that beat the game (Any%) in under 1 hour. Any% under an 1 hour is an obvious sign that something is wrong.

You seem to be confused as to what I'm saying. I DON'T want battle animation off. That's why I recommended the rule earlier.

"This would involving having to reject runs that have already been accepted." No it wouldn't. I checked and all the classic runs submitted have Battle Animations On.

In any case, I still feel like allowing Battle Animations Off in the speedrun ruins the game. Another idea is sense all the runs submitted have Battle Animations On as of now, changing it to Any% Classic BA On and adding Any% Classic BA Off. Having Classic Mode with Battle Animations Off feels like a different mode to the game itself. Having both as an option would work.

First the one I already said on my comment of my first submitted run. I'd like to have 3 Players, 4 Players, and 5 Players added.

The second one is adding a new rule. You see during gameplay you can go to the menu and turn gameplay animations off. This only works for Classic cause as soon as you switch to Arcade Mode, the game switches the animations back on.

So because of that and I feel the Gameplay Battle Animations is what helps make the game enjoyable, I think to play things safe a Rule must be added where in Classic Mode, the Battle Animations must be left on during runs.

I don't know for sure if that considered a given, but I say add the rule just in case.

Boss 1: With Handgun, 6 Crits and 1 Normal hit.

Boss 2 and 3: With Rifle, 3 Crits

Boss 4: 1 Gas Grenade and 3 Rifle shots

Sub Captain Boss: 1 Gas Grenade

Can skip rest of Bosses.

FalseMythology, FlameScion and 2 others like this

So Magfmur found this trick, but doesn't quite know how it fully works. I managed to figure it out. What happens is if you open the Menu right before a forced encounter, it actually moves this encounter to a later time in the area. In some cases you'll have to do this more then once in an area.This is what I found out Also keep in mind that this trick will show where for the Demo only for now. This trick might not even be there for the full version.

For Neutral and Pacifist:

1st Encounter: Menu right before the darker floor and again after flipping the Middle Switch. In the next room, Menu before the middle of the 2nd bridge.

2nd Encounter: Menu when you character is halfway past the Vines.

3rd Encounter: The trickiest one for sure. Menu before halfway of the wall or corn to your left. Now due to the room being huge, you can actually push this encounter further back with each menu cancel. I recommend doing a menu cancel every 3-4 steps. That should be just enough to get to the next room.

4th Encounter: Menu right before your face reaches halfway past the end of the 2nd Pillar.

5th Encounter: Menu right before your face reaches the beginning of the vine. Menu again right before reaching the halfway point of the darker floor. In the next room after opening the cave entrance from a distance, Menu instantly.

Genocide: You WANT Encounters so don't use this trick.

Golden Pear: To Be Edited Later.

About Vyseoflegends9002
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Quest RPG: Brian's Journey
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Undertale Yellow Demo
Undertale Yellow Demo
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Quest RPG: Brian's Journey
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King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella (AGI)
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Undertale Yellow Demo
Undertale Yellow Demo
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Disney's Lilo & Stitch (PS1)
Disney's Lilo & Stitch (PS1)
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King's Quest: Quest for the Crown
King's Quest: Quest for the Crown
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King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne
Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya Densetsu
King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella (AGI)
Quest RPG: Brian's Journey
Quest RPG: Brian's Journey
Last action 4 years ago