Category Cleanup 21/08/22
Category Cleanup 21/08/22
Опубликовано 1 year ago от

Hi everyone.

The mod team has decided that it's time to clean up some problematic categories within the CE boards, specifically extremely short categories such as Low% and Hooker. The reason for this is that due to their extremely short nature and src's lack of proper tools to retime runs, it is impossible to have an accurate and competitive leaderboard for these categories without the mods needing to download each video and frame count them manually.

This simply isn't a good use of the mod's time, and can easily lead to burnout if the team needs to do this for hundreds of runs, it simply isn't viable.

The categories that will be removed are:

GTA3 - Hooker, Low% GTAVC - Hooker, Low% GTASA - Hooker, Low% GTALCS - Low% GTAVCS - Low% GTAIV - Low%

Apologies to those who have worked on these categories, but as always this serves as a reminder that you don't need a leaderboard to run something.

Furthermore, since all of the categories that (im)properly used milliseconds for timing are being removed, we are going to remove milliseconds from the CE boards from now on. This is due to almost all ms submissions being inaccurate anyway. We may look at this once more if a new category arrives that would require it, or if src make actual tools to help verify with ms values.

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Category Cleanup 21/08/22

Hi everyone.

The mod team has decided that it's time to clean up some problematic categories within the CE boards, specifically extremely short categories such as Low% and Hooker. The reason for this is that due to their extremely short nature and src's lack of proper tools to retime runs, it is

1 year ago
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