Mirrored Land Clip
6 years ago
Stirling, Scotland

Hi fam' - not ran this game in years but back then there were only like 2 people who ran this game. You can find a clip that I encountered but never replicated again here:

Not sure if it's an EPSXE bug or whatever, might be useful or worth documenting if anyone gives a shit about this shitty game.

Not read the world record in ages, gz on pushing it so low. RNG looks awful at the start now - maybe one day will look into further optimising the route out of sheer boredom.

robthegamer115 and Plywood like this
Chicago, IL, USA

Thanks for sharing, volvagia! RNG for Chuckie's Glasses is manipulable, so the start is no issue. Very weird clip, since that pushed you up? My guess is that Redneck will spend some time trying to recreate it. :P

Massachusetts, USA

Holy crap I just did it on console

Massachusetts, USA

Alright, I just did it a second time, on video. It wont save time for any% at all, but I think it can save ten seconds if done first try in all levels

Stirling, Scotland

nice, at least it has a use and wasn't just an emu glitch.

Is there a document regarding manipulation for chuckie's glasses?

thanks in advance.

Delaware, USA

ragingredneck has an extensive guide that covers it thoroughly as well as the routes for both categories. highly recommend both also onenamedlucas has a video for the manip only. all are under guides

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Stirling, Scotland

oh lol, sorry I never use the website for learning. Feel like an idiot for not noticing that tab. Cheers.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Bregermann likes this
Stirling, Scotland

last post on this regarding the rng manip - noticed in my final submission I actually did this at the start of the run, unintentionally... god gamer. ;)

I've experienced a few oddities elsewhere in this game (as I'm sure you all have too) that I don't have documented or videos of (mainly mini-golf, had it skip course 2 once and go right to 3, possibly emu bug, I don't have any of my all levels runs anymore sadly)

anyway will investigate one day.

South Carolina, USA

Could be the version you're running on. Just from the clip that I saw, it seems like an outdated version. Just from the way the colors look. I run on epsxe 2.0.5 and have had relatively no problems or encountered any bugs.

Stirling, Scotland

Dunno, it was several years ago (2013/2014?) so unlikely I could even tell you the version number.

From the clip in Mirror Land alone working on console according to robthegamer, I wouldn't be surprised if everything I've encountered is an actual bug in the game itself as it's a pretty low quality game production anyway.

The game's ledges are poorly coded in general, there's been numerous times I've clipped through the wall in the Toy level when I played this game - if it's not an emu related issue (which if EPSXE has improved that much I'd not be surprised if it is), then it's likely exploitable elsewhere.

I'm not sure what causes upwarp in the mirrored land, but if it's understood it'll probably be exploitable in many places in this game. Perhaps the nature of the bug isn't even related to a ledge but the collision meta of the wall (or walls) itself.

I'd say if there's a TASer kicking around who's interested in this game, get him to look at the memory address(es) during the upwarp (it's probably a bitflip) and see what exactly is causing it - exploit it elsewhere and break the game from there. Otherwise, glhf looking for more stuff.

Rob's video of it working on console btw:

Edited by the author 6 years ago
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