How u do crouch clip
1 year ago
United Kingdom

ik that the crouch clip is like a year old but i cant do it. and there isnt a single yt tutorial

New Jersey, USA
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her
1 year ago

back up to a wall in first person, turn your camera so it faces you, zoom in very fast and as you go into first person hold w (it works better if you jump while doing it I think)

United Kingdom

Isn't that one patched? I meant the second version.

New Jersey, USA
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her
1 year ago

in the first one you didn’t press w at all the only other clip method I know is flick which is just back up to a wall in first person crouch and flick your camera to the left or right

United Kingdom

Yeah I meant the flick i cant do it


make sure ur using woman package and dont flick very fast

you have to put your camera in something zoom out and turn in the other way