United StatesEnoby11 days ago

get ready

通关记录: Streets of Rage 2
United StatesEnoby2 months ago

very nice yo

Mr_Tomahawk LordKianster 喜欢这个
United StatesEnoby6 months ago

just had this same thing happen to me. Been trying to replicate it with no luck so far

主题: Fight'N Rage
United StatesEnoby6 months ago

Dunno if I worded that correctly but yeah. I just think it's a shame that there are all these different levels and stuff but in a speedrun you'll only see the same particular ones every time since it's faster.


Above is a guide for all the endings and stuff.

通关记录: Streets of Rage 4
United StatesEnoby10 months ago


LenorDePandora 喜欢这个
通关记录: Streets of Rage 4
United StatesEnoby10 months ago

GG yo

LenorDePandora 喜欢这个
United StatesEnoby1 year ago

So, I just did a run but I didn't realize until afterwards that audio from other stuff was being recorded at the same time. Like, you can still hear the game music and the sound effects and stuff, but you can also clearly hear the AVGN raging about games with weird metaphors and profanity and stuff. Even if that was okay I'd still rather mute it because it's just weird. But idk.

Guess I'll upload it to my channel and keep it unlisted until I know whats up.

TrevorWesley 喜欢这个
主题: Fight'N Rage
United StatesEnoby1 year ago

yeah it looks like starting from Cabaret 1 will allow you to bring the pipe to the Attary fight.

主题: Fight'N Rage
United StatesEnoby1 year ago

Starting from Cabaret 2 with Gal/Unfair/Turbo on Stage Practice, the pipe does not get carried into the Attary room.

Also I thought the Doberman bouncers were supposed to give you time to attack them but after looking at footage from other chars, it looks like it's specific to F. Norris for some reason......maybe because he's dressed up like a ninja or something idk. But anyway disregard that first clip.

I'll try it again starting with Cabaret 1 to see if that allows the pipe to be brought to Attary for some reason.

主题: Fight'N Rage
United StatesEnoby1 year ago

Yeah, I think Stage Practice is the way to go for individual levels. There is an issue though. The timer used in-game in stage practice is not as accurate as the one used in a full run/free arcade. So like, two people could easily get the same time so you would have to measure the difference in milliseconds with a separate timer or something...... Still, it's better then mixing Stage Practice and Arcade/Free Arcade since the game works differently in those modes. For instance, say in the club you take the pipe with you to fight Attary. Well, in Stage Practice when you enter the room the pipe disappears. Stuff like that makes it an inaccurate comparison.

Ideally the game would get an update that either puts the in-game speedrun timer in Stage Practice mode or makes restarting Arcade/Free Arcade much faster (Like, not kick you out to the title screen) but that's not happening.

And yeah Arcade/Free Arcade being separate for the main three is the way it should be for sure.

主题: Fight'N Rage
United StatesEnoby1 year ago

I guess I didn't specify but by level select I meant "Stage Practice" mode. I somehow forgot about Free Arcade Mode. Well, that's fine I guess but oh man, restarting is gonna be sooooo slow! You'll have to exit to the title screen then input the code then select free arcade and choose the character/settings/level all over again.

主题: Fight'N Rage
United StatesEnoby1 year ago

Because level select gives you infinite lives, which arcade doesn't. Maybe if it's like, if you lose enough lives in level select and it wouldn't be possible to have that many lives at that point in Arcade mode then it wouldn't be valid? Like, say you do level select for the second level on Unfair and die like 8 times, well obviously that wouldn't be possible in arcade but dying once or something would be fine? Like, as long as it's possible in arcade.

I sure hope level select is allowed because I think it's pretty obvious what the problem with Arcade only is.

Anyway all that aside, glad to see individual level leaderboards up. Maybe they were always there and I never saw them before somehow.

通关记录: Streets of Rage 4
United StatesEnoby1 year ago

beat the previous WR by over an entire hour lol

United StatesEnoby1 year ago

the taunt seems like a necessary evil with the way the game is

United StatesEnoby1 year ago

so, I play on switch. the monitor where the capture card is recording the footage is further away. Point is, I don't have some kind of timer that most speedrunners do when streaming where they hit some button or whatever at different points to stop a timer.

Could I record a run, then take the time I get when it ends and subtract the time from when it starts? For example, say the video is near 2 hours. Final hit on Shredder is at 1:40:23, and I picked my character at 0:1:20. So, I would take the 1:40:23 and subtract 0:1:20 from it.

I did that for another game I did runs of, but it was a game nobody cares about or even know exists.

United StatesEnoby2 years ago

alright nevermind it turns out it isn't because of switch lol

I still should've had WR though, I just didn't know about the super special secret stair technique 🙄

United StatesEnoby2 years ago

Apparently the higher load times don't matter on switch?

However, there is this one part on Y castle where it takes a few seconds before you can go up the stairs on switch. I imagine the timer is still running there, so if that is the case, then Switch runs are going to be a few seconds slower. Shouldn't matter that much, unless you're like a second or two behind world record, THEN it matters a lot.

I dunno maybe the delay before you can go up the stairs doesn't matter because the timer stops on switch while it's loading or whatever so I could be wrong.

United StatesEnoby2 years ago

idk i think it's fine

通关记录: Lunar the Silver Star
United StatesEnoby2 years ago

nice. This is the first JRPG I ever played too. (First RPG was buck Rogers on Genesis)


NickDoane 喜欢这个
United StatesEnoby2 years ago

i'm gonna do a run of this game. beware of jump kicks

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