United StatesAdventium_9 months ago

After a bit of looking around, I still have no idea what's causing this to happen but I can definitely say there's nothing I can do about it, since this isn't something related to my code. I'm not really sure where you ask for help on this unfortunately.

I hope you get your problem worked out somehow. In the meantime, you can still run without the autosplitter. I'm sorry I can't be of more help to you.

United StatesAdventium_9 months ago

The timer resets when the pointer path to the object that we grab the needed values from doesn't resolve, which indicates that the game is not loaded into a level.

The error is happening on the line where we update all the values. The error being thrown is defined by Windows, so it's difficult for me to figure out what's actually happening here. Gonna be asking one of my friends who might know this stuff better than me about it.

Thanks for the info, it was very helpful.

United StatesAdventium_9 months ago

When I asked for your platform, I actually was looking for Steam/EGS/MS Store. Probably could've been more clear about that sorry.

I have absolutely no idea why it says there is no autosplitter available. It's still in the autosplitters xml (the xml that tells LiveSplit what autosplitters are available), so this is almost certainly nothing I have any control over.

When you add it manually it is at least loading, but I'm not sure why it wouldn't do anything, unless it's not finding the game. Does the autosplitter have any behavior at all? If you start the timer manually, does it split on area/level, and does it reset if you back out?

If you are willing to download DebugView, open it and filter by "[TE:C Autosplitter]" to see just the autosplitter's output, and send me what it prints. Open DebugView before the game to make sure it captures the initialization output too.

Sorry for the barrage of questions, I'm trying to get as much info as I can to figure out what's going on without being able to test things directly. Hopefully I can get it working for you.

United StatesAdventium_9 months ago

The autosplitter is working on my end, even through the auto-download, so I'm not sure why it isn't working for you.

What platform are you on? When you try to add the autosplitter manually, do the options load? (that would tell me if the autosplitter is actually loading or not)

United StatesAdventium_9 months ago

Thanks for letting me know, I'll look into it in a bit

United StatesAdventium_1 year ago

unless there's a significant demand for it, i would prefer not to. keep in mind that we have to watch runs in their entirety to verify them, and they would be tedious to verify.

United StatesAdventium_1 year ago

o, didn't realize it was dropped

United StatesAdventium_1 year ago

too niche imo. not worth trying to maintain a leaderboard for.

United StatesAdventium_1 year ago

not only is there an in-game leaderboard already, there's also quarter.zone which collects all the platforms into one global leaderboard. adding a sprint leaderboard here would add no value.

United StatesAdventium_1 year ago

That's quite an interesting idea. Personally, I'd consider it pretty niche when you compare it to something like speedrunning through Journey Mode, though it sounds fun. If I am proven wrong on the niche-ness of this then I will try to work out how it could be turned into a category.

This would probably be difficult from a moderation perspective, though. Splicing on its own would probably be possible on every exit to menu, and checking all of them would be a nightmare, even if it only had to be done once for a slightly suspicious run. Additionally, with how much more diverse of a skillset effect modes cover, it would be harder to just look at a run and determine whether it's suspicious and should be checked more in-depth in the first place. None of it is impossible to overcome, but don't set your expectations super high.

This does definitely sound like a fun thing you compete against a group of friends with at the very least, so don't forget to keep having fun!

United StatesAdventium_1 year ago

There's already an in-game global leaderboard, I don't see why it would be a category

Tigerclone2 喜欢这个
United StatesAdventium_2 years ago

As cool as the idea is, I feel it's a bit too niche for the speedrun.com leaderboard, though I'm willing to be proven wrong.

Misty_FT 喜欢这个
United StatesAdventium_2 years ago

Apparently I copied a number wrong for some of the stuff. Hopefully I actually fixed it this time.

I'm gonna actually test it next time lol

Deathmask 喜欢这个
United StatesAdventium_2 years ago

Oh nevermind, I suspect you're on 1.3.0 on the Epic Games Store, just noticed I didn't update that correctly. Should (hopefully) be fixed in a minute.

Deathmask 喜欢这个
United StatesAdventium_2 years ago

What version of TE:C are you running?

United StatesAdventium_2 years ago

No problem! Glad we got it solved pretty easily.

United StatesAdventium_2 years ago

I think this might be LiveSplit displaying Real Time instead of Game Time. Go to Edit Layout -> Timer. For me, the Timing Method is set to Current Timing Method (which is default) and LiveSplit picks up that speedrun.com is using Game Time. If Current Timing Method doesn't work for you, try Game Time. The splits also have this option at the bottom of their layout tab.

Let me know if this fixes it.

Heam 喜欢这个
United StatesAdventium_2 years ago

Hmm, not sure why it wouldn't since it worked correctly in the run you submitted. Can you record a quick video to show it? It would also be helpful to include a screenshot of the autosplitter's settings (Edit Splits -> Settings, next to Activate).

United StatesAdventium_2 years ago

What's stopping you? Go for it

Pear, Wookis, Mr.Faq 喜欢这个
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