Possible Run Paths (Stages and Enemy VRs)
8 years ago
Kentucky, USA

Hello to all the runners of Cyber Troopers Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram!

In case you were wondering about the many possible variables in your run path, I will give you this list of stages and VR opponents per that stage!

8th Plant, Flesh Refoe Floating Carrier: Apharmd S, Temjin (Whomever you do not face will appear at Public Port)

Rentarea, #71 Airport: Apharmd B, Bal-Series (Bal-Bados) (Variable A: If you face Apharmd B here, Bal-Series (Bal-Baros) has a chance to appear at appear at Undersea Plant or will likely appear at Storage Depot (as Bal-Bados)) (Variable B: If you face the Bal-Series here, Apharmd B will be waiting at Storage Depot; and Fei-Yen Kn WILL be your opponent at Undersea Plant)

Neutralzone, #29 Autobahn: Stein-Vok

3rd Plant, Moony-Valley Ascent Corridor: Specineff, Grys-Vok (If you face Grys-Vok here, Specineff has a greater chance of being your opponent at Abandoned Quarry; Grys-Vok only appears on this stage, if you do not face him... he won't be anywhere else!)

8th Plant, Flesh Refoe Undersea Plant: Fei-Yen Kn, Bal-Series (Bal-Baros) (Fei-Yen Kn only appears here, if you do not see her... she likely won't be anywhere else!) (Extra Variable: If you do not see Bal Baros here, it will likely be at Airport or at Storage Depot)

2nd Plant, Transvaal Abandoned Quarry: Dordray, Specineff (Dordray only appears here, if you do not face him... he won't be anywhere else! If you do not face Specineff here, he will have a greater chance of appearing at Ascent Corridor)

Terminal City, #359 Waterfront: Temjin 10/80 SP

4th Plant, TSC Drammen Sanctuary: Angelan

4th Plant, TSC Drammen Distorted Shrine: Bradtos

8th Plant, Flesh Refoe Space Dock: Apharmd C

6th Plant, Satchel Mouth Blank Frank: Cypher, Specineff, Fei-Yen Kn (Both Specineff and Fei-Yen Kn have a VERY small chance to appear here is you haven't faced them yet... this stage is also very rare to fight on!)

1st Plant, Dancing Under Storage Depot: Apharmd B, Bal-Series (Bal-Bados) (The VR you haven't faced between these two will be your opponent here.)

7th Plant, Reference Plant Public Port: Apharmd S, Temjin (Who you didn't face on Floating Carrier will be your opponent here.)

5th Plant, Deadly-Dudley (abandoned) Unholy Cathedral: Raiden

Restricted Area: MG/a0 Vertebrate Shaft #05: Specineff, Ajim (If you get to this stage, YOU are the luckiest pilot alive! This is the rarest stage to get to in Arcade!)

9th Plant, Tangram Tangram: Tangram

Best of luck in your runs! My current best is 5:29 off camera with no continues, and my route was: Floating Carrier (vs Temjin) Airport (vs Apharmd B) Undersea Plant (vs Fei-Yen Kn) Ascent Corridor (vs Specineff) Santcuary (vs Angelan) Distorted Shrine (vs Bradtos) Blank Frank (vs Cypher) Space Dock (vs Apharmd C) Unholy Cathedral (vs Raiden) TANGRAM