Texas, USATheGrandGumby1 year ago

I keep all of my demos on dropbox so I won't lose them

Texas, USATheGrandGumby1 year ago

Unbelievable. NoMo can go all the way to the end!

Texas, USATheGrandGumby5 years ago

I wonder if a faster time can be had... I know it's "against the rules" but just curious. Add in jumping, mouselook + rocket jumping, running over enemy heads, etc.

Texas, USATheGrandGumby5 years ago

Might be just me, but Crispy still crashes too much (Linux platform)

Texas, USATheGrandGumby5 years ago

Blue armor is actually better QUALITY armor than green armor, something like 1/2 damage compared to 1/3 damage! Keep that in mind before you grab a green armor and you are less than 100% blue armor. I don't really think about it unless I'm down to around 15% blue armor. I didn't know this until it was revealed to me in a dream, possibly by Satan. Creepy stuff. This is why I quote bible verses on my videos. In any case, Blue > Green.

The direction you are traveling or turning matters. You can fake out enemies into going where you want them to go and then dodging around them. Especially useful with pinky demons in wide hallways. Dodge around them.

Don't shoot a pinky demon unless you plan to kill it, or need it to follow you for some other purpose.

Some enemies dispense variable damage (e.g. barons). Sometimes you can lose a lot of health at once.

Zombiemen do less damage to you than standing in nukage, unless in large groups.

Certain enemies can be prodded forward (humans, cacodemons... cyberdemons... but I wouldn't recommend trying), but some will stop you in your tracks (imp, pinky, barons). Doors with health and teeth, sometimes guns and plasma balls. Basically anything with a melee attack will stop you in your tracks.

Learn about SR40 and SR50. SR50 is needed for some jumps, and requires 4 buttons/keys to be held (turn, forward, strafe, strafe on). Cyberdemon531 made a good tutorial on that.

The likelihood of someone trying to cheat using turbo values higher than 100 is pretty high and fairly hard to detect, so I'd shy away from any source port that can't record demos. If there is ever a crackdown, having that demo file proof may keep your hard earned record in the clear. That's my personal opinion, but I've seen it play out before on other games, and it isn't pretty.

ITYTD is identical to HNTR, but has 2 differences: the ammo bonus, and enemies do half damage. Similarly NM is the same as UV, but enemies are faster, and you get a double ammo bonus. So if you run NM, use more rockets and chaingun than UV.

Practice in as many different categories and wads as you can (there are more than exist on this site). It will sharpen your skill set. I would also suggest running in ALL skill levels, since they are all different from each other in some way.

Edit: Don't bump the walls. That will kill your momentum.

ThatGuy159 and depr4vity like this
Texas, USATheGrandGumby6 years ago

I've also found that the direction you run and strafe makes a big difference. Namely, the goal being to keep the monsters in the closet so you can run past. So if you go around clockwise like most people do, you would strafe only toward the monster closet you intend to go past, thus coaxing the monsters to stay in it, even though the doors are open. Then slipping past the imps is the next challenge, but if you hang the turn wide and then go toward the center of the donut as you pass, you can fake them out into moving and slip past. It's probably the hardest RNG manipulation trick to pull off. The other option is to not strafe, which is still a good strategy even if it is a bit slower.

Texas, USATheGrandGumby6 years ago

I've noticed that the doors don't always open on the E1M5 donut (aka the dying part of the level). Has anyone else experienced this? I'm wondering if it involves clipping through the walls around the linedef that triggers the doors (edit: does not appear that this is the cause after reviewing the footage). If this could be pulled off with regularity it would be a huge game changer. At first I thought it was a desync problem, but now I see that the demo works in both cndoom and prboom-plus and does not trigger the doors.

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About TheGrandGumby
6 years ago
1 year ago
Games run
Ultimate Doom
Ultimate Doom
Last run 5 years ago