Massachusetts, USALafungo5 years ago

I appreciate your concern, but I do not plan on removing Shock's time from the leaderboards.

MKSC has a small (compared to the rest of the series) but active community that is almost entirely focused on Time Trials (you can find a link to the rankings by clicking here or on the "Website / Wikipedia" link in the side bar). Shock has been the reigning Time Trial champ since April 2012, currently holds 69/80 Non-SC WRs (as seen here), and has video evidence for the vast majority of his Time Trial records over the years.

Due to the nature of the game's mechanics, the only viable ways to play at top level are either on GBA or DS (or their variants, such as the GBA SP or DS Lite). This makes it very inconvenient and/or costly to record MKSC speedruns (at top level). Due to general lack of interest in speedruns within the community, coupled with MKSC's great replay system for Time Trials, no one in the community (aside from me) has bothered to invest in "proper" recording equipment (aka a DS capture card).

You're free to ignore Shock's time if the lack of video bothers you. However, I think it's important to keep it on the leaderboard as it is accepted by the community as the WR, and it would be disingenuous to call my time a WR, because Shock has several runs faster that mine (primarily from community SRL races in 2013). I've even witnessed Shock do a run faster than mine at a community meet in summer 2017.

iMathII, 1 and 7 others like this
Massachusetts, USALafungo5 years ago

MKWRs is not the reason that TT leaderboards don't exist on SRC. The reason is the Players' Page, which you can find here ( ) or via the "Website / Wikipedia" link in the sidebar.

OBSIDIAUS likes this
thread: Mario Kart 7
Massachusetts, USALafungo5 years ago

My personal stance is that resets between cups shouldn't be allowed. They introduce differences based on hardware while having no impact on gameplay. I don't think it's worthwhile to allow resets, because all hardware being equal is conducive to healthier competition, and sacrificing that for a few seconds of loading times/screen transitions doesn't seem worth it.

To my knowledge, no existing runs (with video) on the leaderboards have resets.

thread: Mario Kart 7
Massachusetts, USALafungo5 years ago

I've added MKWilliam as a new MK7 moderator. The reasoning should be apparent based on prior posts this thread.

SpacecoreApple, GuilPKA and 7 others like this
thread: Mario Kart 7
Massachusetts, USALafungo5 years ago

I appreciate the interest the community has shown in improving the current situation. If you have anything you'd like to add (like which of the existing candidates you think would make a good/bad moderator and why), then please do. I'm reading all posts and will be talking with people who meet the criteria linked to in my previous post (and who have community support) prior to adding them and announcing the change publicly.

SpacecoreApple, Rioyner, and Marci0 like this
thread: Mario Kart 7
Massachusetts, USALafungo5 years ago

I've been moderating the MK7 leaderboards since they were added to SRC (so around 4 years ago), and over time I've gradually been less and less involved in the MK7 community. I had been looking to add a new moderator for a while now, but none of the people who expressed interest in being one seemed particularly well-suited for it.

A couple months ago, I decided to contact CyndaKill and ask him if he wanted to be a moderator, since he seemed to me like the most reasonable candidate among the active MK7 forum users. He enthusiastically accepted and everything appeared to be going smoothly. I told him to contact me if ever he needed help and I assumed he had everything under control (which admittedly was a mistake on my part).

I only recently realized that CyndaKill has been MIA for a while (hasn't logged in for almost 3 weeks) and how bad the current backlog is. My apologies, I'll clear it out later today.

In case it isn't already obvious: if you're interested in being a MK7 moderator, feel free to post in this thread, and please give some reasoning as to why you should be added. For reference, see this post for what I value in a moderator:

Rioyner, Zans64 and 2 others like this
Massachusetts, USALafungo5 years ago

As I said last time this was brought up (, Time Trial leaderboards are on the Players' Page:

Massachusetts, USALafungo6 years ago

This site isn't for TASes, sorry.

Massachusetts, USALafungo6 years ago

I appreciate the offer, but MKSC's submission volume is low enough that I can handle it on my own.

rusto, Sklitterbeer and 3 others like this
Massachusetts, USALafungo6 years ago

This had been in the works for a long time, but I finally got around to doing it: all 1P/2P categories have been merged, and 1P/2P has been made a mandatory variable for all new submissions.

The old setup had been around since the SMK leaderboards were first made by KVD in the early days of SRC, and reflected the site's limitations at the time. I spoke with him about merging the categories and he agreed with me that it was the best thing to do.

I realized after the change that by deleting the 1P categories, I also deleted the pending runs for those categories. My apologies to anyone affected by this, please resubmit your times to the new categories (with the 1P variable selected).

Otterstone_Gamer and Omar like this
Massachusetts, USALafungo6 years ago

Most relevant information for this topic has already been covered, but I do have a couple extra things to mention.

If you consider the individual cup splits from the video of my 37'32 All Cups (1P), I have times of 8'08/9'08/9'02/8'47 on video, whereas my current times on the individual 1P cup leaderboards are 7'47/9'07/9'10/8'40. Aside from Mushroom Cup (since there is additional contention there), I see no need to provide additional proof for such similarly mediocre times.

I do not currently have access to my own NTSC setup, but I happened to be at KVD's house last weekend and took the time to give Mushroom Cup a couple quick tries. You can find the video of the results here, with commentary by KVD: .

Massachusetts, USALafungo6 years ago

That's not exactly what I had in mind with the last sentence of my previous post, but I'll answer anyways.

I assume you wrote your post because you sent me a friend request at some point and I denied it. When I receive a friend request from a name I don't recognize, I will usually do the following:

  • send the person a PM asking who they are and if I know them. This often does not work because the person has a setting enabled which doesn't allow me to send a message without accepting their friend request first.
  • check if I share any servers/friends with the person. If I do, this is a good indicator that the request is legitimate and I'll usually accept it.
  • if I have reason to believe that the person is from, I'll look them up on the site to see if there's a matching username.

Since I presumably denied your friend request, that most likely means that I went through the above steps and didn't find a satisfactory reason to accept the request. Feel free to send me another one if there's something you'd like to discuss.

Massachusetts, USALafungo6 years ago

Added New 3DS VC and SNES Classic as platforms.

Massachusetts, USALafungo6 years ago

Good point. I've added Wii U VC as a platform.

Massachusetts, USALafungo6 years ago

Hello everyone,

As most of you are probably aware, I am the series moderator for Mario Kart. I'm not really involved in the MKW community, so I usually let the MKW-specific moderators handle the game's leaderboards and forum.

However, it was recently brought to my attention that several issues with the current state of the leaderboards have been brought up on the forum, and that the game-specific moderators have been ignoring them entirely.

Given the situation, I felt that it was necessary for me to step in and make some changes to the game's moderation. That being said, it would have been inappropriate for me to blindly intervene and appoint new moderators on a whim while going behind the current moderators' backs.

I exchanged Twitch PMs with Jcool after being told that he was the only active moderator at the moment (which seemed likely after a cursory glance at the MKW moderation log and the other moderators' profiles). He confirmed to me that he has been the only active moderator for a while now. I also asked him about his general take on the current state of the leaderboards and why he hadn't addressed any of the forum threads. His response gave me the impression that he isn't particularly motivated to do anything beyond approving runs. Jcool, please correct me if I'm wrong. (As an aside for all readers, please note that this is in no way criticism of Jcool or the other moderators, nor of the work that they've put in for the leaderboards here. All moderators are volunteers spending their own free time and energy on helping out with the site.)

At this point I felt that it was necessary to find a new "head moderator" for MKW, so I read through the relevant forum threads. I know that many users have expressed interest in becoming a moderator, but ultimately I decided that the person who best met what I value in a moderator (see was charlocharlie. I talked with him privately on Discord, and he agreed to take the position.

Unfortunately, the timing of all of this happened in such a way that after several days of planning and discussing with relevant parties on my end, I went to make changes to the moderator team only to find that a few hours prior, kirkq had written this post:

I contacted kirkq privately on Discord to explain what I had been working on and asked him to revert his change, which he agreed to do. An additional hitch came from the fact that I was away for the entire weekend and wasn't able to write this post until now. I apologize to all for the confusion this caused.

I hope that everything I've written above makes my reasoning clear and properly explains why I am making the following changes in moderation, effective immediately:

  • all current moderators, except for Jcool, are removed.
  • charlocharlie is now the unofficial "head moderator" of MKW (which in practice means that he's a super mod).

I leave it to charlocharlie to appoint new moderators as he sees fit.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc., please feel free to respond in this thread.

Regards, Lafungo.

MaxDragonSoul, TM and 10 others like this
Massachusetts, USALafungo6 years ago

I'm well aware of how good KVD's run is (and what NBT is), but the run is still done in PAL, which is significantly slower than NTSC. There is also no need for separate categories when platform filters exist. If anything, 1P and 2P should be merged as a run variable.

I'm not sure what you're saying in your third paragraph. If you're implying that the times I have on the leaderboards are fake, then you're incorrect. They all represent real runs, not "impossible times set as an expectation of good gameplay".

There is no reason to create leaderboards for TTs here when established leaderboards already exist on the Players' Page.

As for moderation, there really isn't a need for more mods as SMK gets very low submission volume.

Massachusetts, USALafungo6 years ago

If you want to compete in Time Trials, check out the Players' Page:

As for moderation, there really isn't a need for more mods as SMK gets very low submission volume.

AlexPivot likes this
Massachusetts, USALafungo6 years ago

The runs you speak of are hardly "world records", they're just the best times that have been submitted to these leaderboards. There are no videos because they were submitted as benchmarks to have at least somewhat decent 1st place times here. I'm still not sure where that Mushroom Cup difference comes from, but if I had to guess I would say that PAL probably has slower inter-race screen transitions.

grnts likes this
Massachusetts, USALafungo6 years ago

As indicated in the rules, runs must be done in 150cc.

Massachusetts, USALafungo6 years ago

The players who set those times are free to submit them if they want them to be here.

About Lafungo
9 years ago
Games run
Super Mario Kart
Super Mario Kart
Last run 1 month ago
Mario Kart: Super Circuit
Mario Kart: Super Circuit
Last run 6 years ago
Mario Kart 64
Mario Kart 64
Last run 9 years ago
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Last run 6 years ago
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (SNES)
Last run 5 years ago
Super Parigo Kart
Super Parigo Kart
Last run 1 year ago
Mario Kart 7
Mario Kart 7
Last run 8 years ago
Games moderated
Mario Kart 7
Mario Kart 7
Last action 5 years ago
Super Mario Kart
Super Mario Kart
Last action 8 days ago
Mario Kart: Super Circuit
Mario Kart: Super Circuit
Last action 9 months ago
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Last action 8 years ago
Mario Kart 64
Mario Kart 64
Last action never