Yayınlanma tarihi 1 year ago tarafından

From now on, for top 50 times, both partners must submit their demos. As such, it will also be required for to submit any .vpks that are used during the runs. If you have any questions, you can join our discord @ discord.gg/p2sr or you can create a forum post here.

The rules site has also gotten a small update in relation to newer rules, so if you haven't checked it out, you can find it @ rules.portal2.sr.

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Yayınlanma tarihi 1 year ago tarafından

Hello gamers, 2 SRC posts within a week, and this time its coming right after the announcement in our discord (discord.gg/p2sr)! This post will be about a new variable for the solo-coop category, Dual Control.

Dual Control refers to being able to control both bots at the same time. This can be achieved by using keyboard and mouse (or controller) for one bot while being able to control the other bot with a secondary controller. This has always been allowed for the category, however it was only until recently that a run was done using Dual Control, which caused some discussion about how we would represent it on the leaderboards. With all variables, there is a way to filter runs by a given value of the variable, so you can still see leaderboards for runs without Dual Control or with Dual Control respectively.

Runs will now require a value for “Dual Control” to submit a run. If you are running with only keyboard and mouse or with controller, you’d submit with “no'' for this field. If you are running with both keyboard and mouse and controller, you’d select “yes” for this field, as you’d have control of both bots at all times.

If there are enough Dual Control runs on the boards, then it may be moved to a sub-category in the future, but until then both values of the variable will be on the same leaderboard page.

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Yayınlanma tarihi 1 year ago tarafından

Hello! This time the rule changes are being posted to SRC only a day late instead of 8 months late! I still would like to apologize for that small of a delay. This won't have as big of announcement as the last one, but will still contain some important changes.

First, functional commands can no long be automated using sar_on_load or anything similar. A definition of functional commands can be found @ rules.portal2.sr and there will also be a list of commands that have already been given a definition as to whether they are considered an action, function or non-functional command. This rule change will not go into effect immediately, as we are going to be giving a grace period for runners to change over any configs/binds that would no longer be allowed under the new rules. This grace period ends on March 14th, 2023 @ 11:59 PM EST (March 15th @ 4:59 AM UTC). If you need help changing over any configs or binds, please join our discord @ discord.gg/p2sr and we would be glad to help.

Secondly, There is now a google form to request vscripts to be added to the new vscript whitelist. As you may know we decided to introduce a three strikes system relating to vscripts back in December. However we have decided to give the community a chance to request vscripts to be allowed to be present in the game files while doing runs. It is important to note that not all requests that are turned in on the form will be accepted, and as such you should still error to the side of caution when running with vscripts. Expect a follow up announcement in the coming weeks for the first wave of whitelisted vscripts. The form to request vscripts to be added to the whitelist can be found here: https://forms.gle/ZPSN4PKpASyoFFcQ8

Lastly, We have new verifiers!!! While they have been brought onto the team about a month and a half ago, I'd like to formally announce our new verifiers. Our new verifiers are Turkeywithacomputer, Wolfboy248 and FatPerson115. If you feel like you'd want to become a verifier, you can always apply in our discord and check the pins in the #src-announcements channel to find the form.

Stay cool gamers, Fridge.

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Yayınlanma tarihi 1 year ago tarafından

Hello gamers, its been a while. We apologize for the lack of announcement of rule changes to SRC, however its always better to be late then to never give an update. As always the first announcement of our new rule updates will be posted in discord.gg/p2sr in the #src-announcements channel.

NEW VSCRIPT RULES: "Custom vscripts may not be present in the game's directory, even if not advantageous or not used during the run." Vscripts are .nut files that typically change something in how the game functions. In the event you are found to have custom vscripts in your files you will be give a strike, the first and second strike will results in warning, the third strike and onwards will result in the rejection of runs that are found to still have custom vscripts present in the game files.

NEW .VPK/ASSET MODIFICATION RULES: "Any custom .vpk files active during the run must be included in the run submission. They can be uploaded to a site such as Google Drive along with the demo files." .vpk files are used to modify or add assets into the game, these tend to be found in portal2_dlc3+ folders. In the event you run using a custom .vpk file and they are not submitted, the run will be rejected.

"Texture modifications are allowed, with some caveats. The textures of portal surfaces must not be modified in any way. No textures can be modified to provide any visual assistance, such as help with a lineup. No texture may be modified to be more translucent than it was, with the exception of the player's viewmodel.

Modifying models is not allowed, with the exception of the portal gun (including both the viewmodel and the in-world model). Modifying audio files, captions or any other asset is not allowed." These rules are not new rules, but rather a clarification of previous rules.

OUR NEW RULES SITE: As you may have noticed all categories have had their rules replaced with a link to https://rules.portal2.sr/ This site contains the rules for all of our major categories, including rules for all main Single Player and Cooperative categories. This site also includes rules for our most popular Category Extensions and our rules for Challenge Mode. This is also where the most up-to-date version of our rules will be.

Thank you for reading, and stay awesome.

  • Fridge
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Yayınlanma tarihi 2 years ago tarafından

Hello there. No SLA and SLA categories of Singleplayer runs have been merged into the 'Singleplayer' category, divied by sub-categories. Because of this, PC and Console runs will be shared on the same leaderboards. This also means that runners don't have to select Platform variable twice and make everything neater. If runners want to search for specific platform runs, they can use the 'Filter' tool on the boards. Portal 2 Speedrun Server: https://discordapp.com/invite/hRwE4Zr

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Yayınlanma tarihi 2 years ago tarafından

SRDC's new update allows for comments to be left on other's runs. All comments must follow the rules of the Portal 2 Speedrun Server discord. Failure to follow these guidelines can/will result in appropriate punishments on SRDC, Discord, and IVerb/Portal2sr. Portal 2 Speedrun Server: https://discordapp.com/invite/hRwE4Zr

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New AMC Proof Requirements!

From now on, for top 50 times, both partners must submit their demos. As such, it will also be required for to submit any .vpks that are used during the runs. If you have any questions, you can join our discord @ discord.gg/p2sr or you can create a forum post here.

The rules site has also gotten

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