Possible Additional Categories?
7 years ago
Västra Götaland, Sweden

Are there any possibilities for new categories to surface that anyone would be interested in?

For Example:

Itemless%: No use or passive items can be used during the run. ( I guess the fairy would be and exception together with the Cat Sphere), This could be called Low% aswell since it would probably have the same route as of right now.

IvoryBug%: Finish the IvoryBug Side-Quest as fast as possible - This would be quite similar to 100% in some ways I presume, but I'm just brainstorming at the moment.

All Bosses: Kill ALL the bosses as fast as possible. (Suggested By HoroTV)

I was just brainstorming some examples and if you have any thoughts about these or have your own run you'd want to share please do! I don't know if these are considered "Meme" runs but I think it would be fun to switch things up a bit when it comes to Momo 4 runs. Only having Any% and 100% seems a bit stale to me. However if maybe there is no demand for this. It might be just me!

Anyway, tell me what you think!

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 7 years ago
OmegaFallon, horoTV, ve MrCalcium bunu beğendi
Texas, USA

Low% sounds interesting, although I am not too sure about the other categories

Aneksuz bunu beğeniyor
Västra Götaland, Sweden

Low% Would be interesting indeed! And I agree that the other categories kind of fit into 100%!

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

I think the MAX% and Low% category could be pretty cool!

Aneksuz bunu beğeniyor
Västra Götaland, Sweden

Low% Wouldn't include the Spring Leaf, right?

Low% is one of those things that seems like it might be fun at first, but it quickly becomes pretty awful. Lubella gets like 50 billion chances to dive, among other things - getting a nice run is mostly up to rng.

Västra Götaland, Sweden

Yeah I guess that makes sense... I wish this game had more categories T_T


"I wish this game had more categories"

I feel like it's worth pointing out, that no speedrun.com page is the ultimate authority on how to speedrun a game. Instead think of them as a communities business card: you go on there and the the most important info. And I think it's a reasonable logic that the most important info are the most popular categories of a game. It was just as reasonable to assume that any% and 100% would be fairly popular categories worth putting on here right away. That does not mean that you may only run any% or 100%. The site is not your mom and can't tell you what to do. Therefore one could make the case that every sort of category "exists" and it's just up to people to actually run them.

Now if you're more interested in the sr.com page having more categories, rather than "the game having more categories", then I can only recommend you to go out and find the one category that you think you'll have fun running, instead of waiting for it to have it's own leaderboard first. If you think other people might enjoy it too, you have both, this forum and the Discord, to advertise it. If tomorrow five people were to record runs of "All bugs arrows only while balancing a bowl of soup on their head% Insane" then it would already have more runs than all of the 100% categories together and it would hard to argue against adding "Abaowbbs% Insane" to the leaderboards. After all, at least to my undestanding, the page is supposed to represent the community and what people in it do.

The Momo4 community seems to be small fee of ego, so maybe if you're the first and only person to run a category but wish to have it included, then I'm sure people won't mind that. The worst that can happen, is that after a few months no one else has run it and it can be removed again. But in any way, actions speak louder than words. Now everyone might understand the idea of "Abaowbbs% Insane", but anyone can understand a VOD of it.

But that's all just my opinion anyway.

LunaArgenteus ve Aneksuz bunu beğendi
Västra Götaland, Sweden

Yeah I see what you mean exactly! But that's not really what I'm really complaining about! Sorry if it seems like it tho!

What I mean is that it doesn't feel like the game has that many options when it comes to categories as the game isn't that big itself and therefore the game feels kind of limited in my eyes when it comes to possible categories. Every glitch hasn't been found for this game yet which also limits this a bit. If we compare this to for example Legend of Zelda OOT which is a massive game and it has a bunch of discovered glitches, the possibilities for more diverse and different categories increase immensely.

Thats why I did this post. To see if we could come up with a nice type of run people could try. But the ideas that I presented felt kind of inferior or almost too alike to the runs that already exsists.

Once again! Sorry if my intentions seemed different! The messages has been badly worded on my part.

Limburg, Netherlands

Well maybe if there haven't been many glitches discovered for the game yet maybe you should try finding some. Who knows, maybe there is a special wall clip or whatever hidden seeing as no game is perfect. However this could make for categories like any or 100% glitchless. Idk if there have been people who have tried searching for glitches but yeah, just an idea.

Västra Götaland, Sweden

Horo has found some weird interactions and stuff while working on an autosplitter for the game, but those things are far from certain that they will work. Might look into that someday but Idk.


"Sorry if my intentions seemed different!"

Ah no, I think it was me who misunderstood you. The idea a brainstorming thread kinda went over my head. I'm rather used to meme category ideas being thrown around on weekly basis from my other speedgame. >.>

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 7 years ago
Aneksuz bunu beğeniyor
Västra Götaland, Sweden

Oh, okay! Fully understandable ^^

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Yeah there are some strange interactions with ladders sometimes - for example: If you jump of and instantly hit up it seems like you're grabbing to an invisible ladder tile.. But that's mostly just a glitch surrounding how climbing works. If you could spawn ladder tiles that way you could try to clip into the royal pinocotheca... I don't think it will be possible tho.

Aneksuz bunu beğeniyor
Limburg, Netherlands

Hmm might be worth to try out. Who knows it could create for some cool runs. However we'd need a seperate category named Any and 100% OOB (Out of bounds). Cause if it would ever get patched we wouldn't be able to improve times on normal any or 100%

Ontario, Canada

reviving dead topics is cool right? Because it seemed pointless to make an entirely new thread, and this seemed to be the most appropriate place to do so. I've been toying with the idea of a NG+ category and decided to make a sort or proof of concept/discussion starter video on the possible routing and the like. my time is pretty terrible but I was really just trying to get a deathless run to record and post.

you can see the video and some more of my in-depth thoughts here

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