Super fast custscenes
4 years ago

So whenever i navigate throught the menu in the treehouse the video files that are playing (that moves the camera arround) goes by SUPER fast. This is also for all cutscenes, both story cutscenes as death cutscenes.

I am using the CD version and all video files just go by so fast they dont even appear on screen for a single frame. So whenever i die or a cuscene plays it looks not legit.

I think it is caused by the cpu that is reading everying too fast like some older games have. Yet the gameplay itself is normal ...........

Anyone else having this problem?

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 4 years ago

I don't know for that, sorry :/


I have never encountered this exact problem on any genuine PC version install of Heart of Darkness. Windows 32 bit, 64 bit, virtual machines running Windows. etc. Have you tried installing a different version ISO of the game? What sort of specs do you have? I'm assuming you're using Windows.

I have seen something similar to this when I messed around with the Sega Saturn prototype version, but it pretty much immediately crashed the first time I died and I haven't been able to replicate it.

It appears to be affecting the PAF file which handles all animations outside of the in-game levels. Are you running from an actual CD? if it's an ISO you picked up online they might have done something with the PAF file to make the filesize smaller.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 4 years ago

Well i have the original CD for pc and i downloaded 2 iso's online. I tested it on all 3 of them and all the videofiles just skyrocket. (yes also the original cd). My pc is one of the newest you can have cuz i do allot of rendering and i make high detailed models. So yeah i guess its a cpu problem? That it just reads everything too fast? Cuz again, allot of older games that depend on cpu speed for something just go nuts. But that doesnt aplain why nobody else has that problem.

Also i tested it on an older pc (not mine) and the cd version works fine there. I tested it on my odler pc and it goes by super fast BUT you can still see a few frames of the cutscene. Now i have this new pc it wont even show.

So unless you or someone knows a way to slow down the reading of that PAF file i am basicly stuck hahaha RIP.


Dang. That is really weird. Admittedly I haven't had a higher end computer in a very long time. My old computer was built to be quite memory and CPU intensive for video rendering and never really experienced any speed up with Heart of Darkness, but that was nearly a 10 year old build so things might have changed. It does sound like it might be your CPU specifically. Or directX maybe? Have you run the game with compatibility settings? I tend to chose Windows XP SP3 if the game misbehaves on a newer computer and that gives a better result. It really doesn't explain why nobody else has it. I know my old computer probably wasn't the best, but it was still pretty great for its time and it feels weird that this is only an issue for newer computers as of late, and that it didn't happen sooner. I'm pretty sure that out of the handful of people who install and play the PC version specifically someone would at least have as beefy of a computer as yours. This is really confusing and interesting to me. I hope you manage to find a solution.

@/gmontoir on twitter has been working on a fan-made engine for the game, but it's not currently beatable in its current form and has many glitches. He's made tools to rip audio and bitmaps from the PAF files but I don't know if he could help with this as it's a problem with your specific computer and not the PAF file itself.


@/gmontoir indeed has some amazing things going on there.Funny that one post he tampered with the checkpoints and he showed that you can kill that lizzard on level 1 when you start climbing XD

Il just continue to search on how to get it to work. If needed ill just get a second handed low end pc XD The thing is i cant send in any runs cuz i mean ... it just doesnt look legit and its not fair cuz noramly you loose a few milliseconds for loading the videofile nad then playing it for a frame to then skip it.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 4 years ago

Wait where did he show that you can kill the lizard? I don't remember actually seeing that I just remember using the program he made that rips sprites and seeing that it was animated and still existed in the game's code. I honestly can't wait until we can really mess with the game using his engine. I love just messing with the game already but when you can modify things like checkpoints it really opens the door.

Hopefully you find a solution. Still really confused you're having this issue. Hoping it's not something I'll have to deal with when I finally get my new computer that I'm planning to make 3D animations with.

You can always still practice though! I know it's tough not being able to send in runs because of computer troubles but any practice you can get in will ensure you won't mess up the times you are recording any more than necessary. That's what I've been doing.

Belgium This is the video XD Its interesting that enemy can be killed and has a death spite animation.

Btw, i was actually making the first leven and the treehouse in the ue4 (im a 3D artist graduate). But i stopped cuz idk, i lost interest. And i moved on to smaller things for my portfolio. But like if i hada team i would defenatly remke the entire game in 3D AND make changes and add stuff. But yeah, no interest for now XD

Also thx, i will keep practicing and im already at a sub 31 minutes. Im doing the pixel perfect strats from this video.

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 4 years ago
finsterhund bunu beğeniyor

I cannot believe I missed that! There was a possibility I would have seen it before and just forgotten (you'll have to excuse my memory. It is EXTREMELY bad) but I didn't like the tweet so I clearly didn't see it. That is so dang cool. Have you messed around with gmontoir's HoD Decoder? You can get all these sprites out with it. It has some issues currently with some of the prerendered sprites but the spectres for the most part get ripped fine.

OH OHHHHH!!!!?? You've just told me the greatest thing ever! Really a shame you lost interest though. I'd kill to see that. I've been wanting to pull a team together too. It's been such a long time since I've been able to work in 3D I don't know how well I'd fare trying to remake the cinematics all by myself when I finally do get the resources and I realize that's probably a fool's errand without other people to help. I'm opposed to making changes to the original vision, but I'm entirely onboard for like, "DLC sorta additional cinematics and levels" sort of deal. Or just an all out fanmade sequel. Mostly because I've had bad experiences with people who want to change HoD in weird needless ways.

Also love that video you posted on Youtube. No clue why the game likes messing with your computer so much. Never had it mess around with animations like that for me. Kinda jealous honestly. I like recording outlandish HoD stuff like when I manage to find ways to escape invisible walls. THIS ONE will always be my favourite I discovered.

It'll be great to see all the strats done in that video in a run we know is legitimate and uncut. The fact that it's segmented has always made me question its legitimacy. I know all the little strats are possible though, so good luck if you can get them all in one take. You'll likely do it before me at least. Hoping to finally get somewhere in the New Year.


We should make a discord. So we can all talk there and share findings.

Also, the strats from that segmented run are NO JOKE. They are pixel perfect. Me and a friend took screen shots of the screen levels and where like "oke when i see the pixels of andies foot there, then jump" hahhaha. Its crazy XD


I currently have an unused Heart of Darkness discord server. I can quick make a speedrunning channel in it. Here it is. I'm not perfect but hopefully it's passable and I can improve it over time.

It is pretty intense lmao. You gotta study every frame of his animations, pick the exact frame and then BAM.


I'm having the same issue with the cutscenes. Haven't found a way to solve it yet. If you find something out I'd love to hear it. You seem proficient with computers so the likelihood of you figuring it out is far higher than me doing it.


will do friend ;)


I managed to solve the problem by buying a physical copy of the game and ripping an ISO of it myself. This is incredibly unhelpful to you MandalOne since you say you're running into the problem from your CD. But yeah, seems like there's something not quite right with the various downloads found online.


If anyone wants a reliable ISO rip just let me know what language you want and I'll get it to you. I'm pretty sure I have all the official PC versions that were released.


Hi guys, I'm new here, I managed to install the game and make it run on windows 10 64 but I'm having the same issue than @MandalOne as my menus and cutscenes are incredibly fast, I really want to be able to run the game. Have you found any solutions to the problem or maybe the iso I got is the issue, I don't know. I'd love if @finsterhund would share another iso, and also I tried to join the discord server but it seems that the link has expired, I'd love to join. Thanks for the help. :)

Tarafından düzenlendi yazar 4 years ago

this is the link

And finsterhund gav eme the iso but i still had no time ot test it. But i trust him it works haha. Feel free to join ^^


Great, thank you so much!

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