Question about the shooting game on Molida Island
5 years ago
Georgia, USA

So is there any trick to get the score of 2000 in that mini game for the heart container? my highest score was 1750 and i can consistently get 1500 yet you need at least a score of 2000 for the heart container unless there is some glitch i don't know about or extra heart containers in the game like in oot with the heart pieces. If i knew any runner that runs 100% for this game i would ask them yet i don't know any that does and i can't seem to find a 100% run to watch and see.

British Columbia, Canada

So, the way the minigame works is, you get up to a 5x multiplier on the score when you consecutively hit the ghosts (so the first ghost gives you 10, the 2nd in a row gives you 20, etc. up to 50.). Missing an arrow shot or hitting the girl breaks that combo and you start again at 10. So, obviously, you need to keep that multiplier as long as you can.

Now, the girl only starts showing up halfway through the game, so you can shoot every board that shows up in the first half. In the 2nd half, all the boards just keep moving, so you have to be good at knowing where to shoot to hit the moving boards. That just comes with practice.

There can only ever be one girl on the screen at a time, so if you know where the girl is, you can shoot every other board that shows up. Plus, when the girl moves off the screen and disappears, the very next board that spawns will always be the girl, so you can use that to help determine which boards you can shoot before they fully become visible.

So using that information, plus just knowing where to aim to hit the ghosts and not wasting your shots, it should be fine. My personal record is somewhere around 2600, so there is definitely a lot of room for error in the minigame.

That being said though, this minigame was nearly impossible for me when I was younger, so it's just a hard minigame when you're starting out.

Anyways, hopefully that helps. Good luck!

HolyJesusTiTz likes this
Georgia, USA

I am definitely sure it will help thanks for the reply. And one day i am sure i might get good enough to do a 100% run and if i don't then well this mini game beat me as i can get the quiver but not the heart container XD. And since i have been stuck on this mini game for quite a bit as in 4 or 5 months i noticed that the girl was showing up around 32 seconds when half would be 35 seconds.

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