Leaderboard change
3 years ago
Utah, USA

I've started the process of moving from an IL default leaderboard to a Full-game leaderboard since I think that works best for dealing with variables. Since speedrun.com doesn't have the option of moving IL runs to Full-game, I'll have to copy each run individually and leave a note of when it was originally submitted. To be clear, this does not mean the rules or leaderboards themselves are changing, just how they're presented.

However, I am getting rid of the "all experiments" category for lack of interest in such a challenging category. I could still re-add it if anyone is interested in actually doing it. These were the original rules: [quote] Starting from a new game file, complete the experiments and tasks in any order.

  • In the "Postcards" Demo Room, pull the VR Alarm to activate the balloon drop.
  • Complete the "Slingshot" game and get the "Congratulations!" message.
  • Defeat Wave 8 of "Longbow".
  • Defeat Xortex Core in "Xortex 26XX".
  • Visit the "Secret Shop" experiment.
  • Go through the whole "Robot Repair" experiment.
  • In "Solar System", throw all the planets into the sun to get the Milky Way Easter Egg.
  • Visit the "Human Body Scan" experiment.

The player must end the run by activating the credits on the Xortex 26XX machine.

Timer starts when the player presses "Start". Timer stops when the "Valve" logo appears on the arcade machine.

The "Open Experiments" whiteboard should be shown to confirm that all experiments have been completed. [/quote]

As always, any suggestions for new categories/variables are welcome.

Edited by the author 3 years ago