Alberta, CanadaShauny71882 years ago

Like the title says, this is to help the mods who are not always around and prevent any headaches to mods and runners.

If you have a need to discuss a certain run, please feel free to join the discord and chat there, we would love to have you! (:

Alberta, CanadaShauny71883 years ago

Posting this here cause not everyone who runs this is in the discord. Under every category it now says this.

"Turbo is now allowed as of 6/7/21 in all categories, but it must be noted that it is used or else the run will be rejected. Controller or hotkey Turbo is allowed, please specify in the description of the run. "

Also, it took work, but all runs (both PB's and obsolete) on the leaderboard are now marked as no for turbo for the variable. Any new runs submitted, even non PB's with turbo can be marked correctly from now onwards.

I've been meaning to change this for awhile, but got busy. But this is to even the playing field from mashing to making matches the actual separation of times.

Also, there is no need to run with turbo if you don't want to. But it is there to help alleviate the strain Custom Robo has on our wrists after a run.

Any questions, pop them here, or drop by the CR:BR Speedrunning discord. (:

Pokehero tycker om detta
Alberta, CanadaShauny71883 years ago

Hey all, just wanted to elaborate on the "Marathons Run" misc tab for the leaderboard.

First off, credit goes to where I first saw this idea, and that is the Darkest Dungeon SRC board. They cataloged their marathon runs to showcase their amazing runners and their marathon runs both charity and for fun. So good job on credit to them on the amazing idea.

I always loved how passionate speedrunners get when prepping for a marathon or a tournament and they practice and do their match, but 99% of the time, there is no change of PB'ing in the run cause its a marathon setting and either between being safe or showcasing something to the crowd its hard to get a PB. So now we have a non-competitive leaderboard to showcase their marathon runs.

It is still a slight WIP as of now, and I'm sure I can put more categories in there when we have a chance. but for now its any% Vanilla runs. but we will expand more.

more details on how to submit are under category rules under the "Marathon Runs" tab. Any questions or requests for things, contact one of the SRC mods on here or on Discord and we can work it out.

Alberta, CanadaShauny71883 years ago

I'm in the camp of allowing it. Also, TalonLumini's post stand the same with me, so I won't repost them here. but I think it would be easier to allow it and have people run with it than to try to find those who use it to cheat. Just cause it is there as an option, doesn't mean it has to be used by ALL runners.

But I do want to stress, I'm a lancer/gunlancer main, and I honestly am not who this is honestly relating to since this is a bowgun related thing for more IL style runs compared to full runs. Since one weapon is always faster than another and really only effects the leaderboards of those weapons. So IL runs are their own thing for sure.

Looking away from IL style runs. If turbo is allowed, In storyline based runs would make things more consistent to get through mashing/cutscenes as well, which would make things more accessible for others who have issues with mashing and can focus on the hunts. But I can see this being a much bigger issue if people run the full game versus a few optimal mashes in a IL. Although both differences would be significant as well compared to non turbo respectively. But it would save hands and we can filter them by toggling turbo on the leaderboard.

But if someone wants to do it, they will find a way anyways to do so around the rules, so by allowing them to use turbo, albeit a leaderboard on their own things or like Gemini posted above the variable in the runs would do better. IL's are their own thing for sure. But then again, it would be those weapons versus the LBG and HBG as well so there will always be a variance in the leaderboards in my eyes. But I can see a benefit to allowing Turbo.

Edit: Meant to say, the idea of a 4 player hunt, where only 1 side is recorded and 3 others could be using turbo is scary as well to try to identify the use of turbo or seasoned mashers. Making runners saying if they used turbo is a better option than trying to count frames/data to see if a run is legit or turbo assisted.

TalonLumini och PeachTea gillar detta
Alberta, CanadaShauny71883 years ago


Sous la catégorie, vous devez changer les joueurs. Ainsi, de 1 joueur à 2 joueurs, vous pouvez ensuite définir un nom de partenaire pour la tentative. aussi apolgies pour mon français, toujours en train d'apprendre et d'utiliser google. P:

Alberta, CanadaShauny71883 years ago

ahh, cool.

I wanted to make sure I posted them before I forgot. I'll be sure to take a look at the guide later, I definitely want to pick this up as a speedgame.

and I figured the Wrecker kill would be situational, but its kinda goofy it happened though.

Alberta, CanadaShauny71883 years ago


I'm currently in the process of playing through this game casually still. But I found a few things which I wanted to bring to attention of any runners. Sorry for all the twitter links, I recorded all these with the switch capture.

First, found that I can do a bomb jump with the regular bomb on the bottom and a remote bomb on top and a well timed jump, and I ended up getting the broken blaster early essentially after the lab was unlocked and having 10 moonstones for the repair. https://twitter.com/Shauny7188/status/1343640092364005377?s=20 https://twitter.com/Shauny7188/status/1343640681810599936?s=20 https://twitter.com/Shauny7188/status/1343640810521206784?s=20

but I've had access to the blaster for all the bosses after the first kobold fight in the castle.

The second thing I found was a weird quick kill to the robot. https://twitter.com/Shauny7188/status/1343377996904767488?s=20 From what I could gather, I got stunned and put inside, and me mashing a became a attack prompt even though I wasn't using any stamina. I think it was from both of us being stunned at the same time.

both of these things I found are on the current switch patch. but yeah, wanted to pass this along incase it could be useful for others.

Gyoshi tycker om detta
Alberta, CanadaShauny71883 years ago

I'll say no.

Mostly cause I believe this is the leaderboard for that run. It was a any% run where Wugga got the perfect RNG. It is what it is to me, and I think it shows off any% perfectly.

Alberta, CanadaShauny71883 years ago

This will be a vote to allow the community to decide what will happen with the leaderboard. We have thrown the idea back and forth, and acted on it once to make Garuda on its own section to the leaderboard to allow for more fair Any% runs.

But as of now, we have again an option to listen to the community to decide what will go down, so for 2 weeks we will allow voting via this forum page, and if you do not have a SRC account and wish to get a vote in, please message a @moderator on Discord and let them know what to post on your behalf.

As of right now, many of the mods are confused cause we all ruled out that Garuda was this OP. same time, its the game, so how can you stop the game being nice (for once) So this is what we have come up with.

But please keep this to a supporting argument and a vote, if need be we can open up another forum to allow discussion. of course, please keep things civil.

The options for voting are Yay/Yes - to split the leaderboard Nay/No - To keep the leaderboard whole N/A - To vote, but not on either side.

So for example for a post in supporting

Yes for splitting the leaderboard

again, if you want to list reasons why not, we can make a forum post for discussion, but I mainly want to see why people support their vote and it keeps it easier for counting the votes for/against for us.

Voting will be for 2 weeks, after which we will go with what the community decides. (:

Also, even if you are a viewer of tournaments, your able to vote (if you don't want to make an account again just message a mod) all votes matter, and you should feel like your voice is heard. I always want this community to be community driven.

With that said, polls will close 3:30 PM EST on August 11th.

Alberta, CanadaShauny71883 years ago

I think of it like a relay race. the whole team is used to get the last person across the finish line, but they all need to do the effort to get there, you don't see teams junking a member so another person can run in there place cause its faster. So no. having everyone run solo would be faster, but would not be in the spirit of the run. You start as a group and you work as a group to the finish line, which is getting someone to HR 4.

Also, touching again on the extra quest thing I mentioned previously in another forum post by you.

"The way the runs for co-op work is that all runs need to be done in unison. otherwise you could junk 2 players and just ignore 2 of the HR3 promotion quests and go for the repel quest for a "time save". or in what you are suggesting having a unfair advantage of resources. Anyone who does quests extra is essentially invalidating a run for the group."

Meaning that the quests done in general need to be done by the group and not splinter off and do the "same" quest but solo. its a group effort and should be seen as such. That way the entire group encounters the same RNG. as well it enables runners who only can capture one runner have fair game with runners who can capture all sides of their attempt.

Also its only 1 Narkarkos is required because cause otherwise it would be repetitive for more members when the goal is to get a person someone to high rank by passing the finish line. There really is no more reason than that. Finishing the run is cause that is what it is. HR4 is the finish line, and crossing it for a person in a group is finishing the run for that group. otherwise its the same hunt 2x 3x or 4x times in a row just with limiting items for the group of players.

If you want to do a High rank run of the guild where you get someone to G1, then yes, you would have to complete each Narkarkos quest to progress through the key quest line. but it isn't needed for a low to high rank run.

I think i touched upon everything in your question, if I didn't sorry, things are cluttered for me right now. but I'd be happy to clarify anything if needed.

Alberta, CanadaShauny71883 years ago

All runs must be done from a fresh files and timing begins at the start of creating a file. This is why Hunter cards are shown in the VOD so no additional quests are done by any of the players before the run starts to give a unfair advantage in preparing resources or a file. Showing the cards should show that all quests are at 0 and playtime and weapon usage is also 0 to show this, or if this is done at the end of the quest, the quests done should mirror your own card to show everyone has been doing the exact same quests and no additional things have be done to a person's file.

The way the runs for co-op work is that all runs need to be done in unison. otherwise you could junk 2 players and just ignore 2 of the HR3 promotion quests and go for the repel quest for a "time save". or in what you are suggesting having a unfair advantage of resources. Anyone who does quests extra is essentially invalidating a run for the group.

But if you wanted to dupe things and what not for a run as a group, then by all means feel free too. but the timer would be going from file creation and there wouldn't be anything other than time cost on your end. Cause again, all quests need to be done by the group. and not just a random person going off and doing their own thing then coming back. But that doesn't stop the group of going and doing quests together in a route in duping items or resources. Just remember the guild cards should all be shown in the VOD still to show no additional quests were done by a party member and all files were made at the same time to help a mod to validate a run. (can be done after time if you want to save time)

Alberta, CanadaShauny71883 years ago

So with time closing on the poll, I should wrap this up.

Big thank you to those who put in their opinion, as well one other user who sent me a message to vote. From what I can gather above here are the results.

For splitting the categories it is 7 yes, and 2 no and 1 N/A

For Timer Manipulation, it is 7 for ban it, 2 allow (might be reading one wrong) and one N/A As well, a few comments about forcing videos to show the entire hunt, unless the entire hunt can be put into a 30 second clip (Switch capture's length).

So it looks like we will be splitting the leaderboard for the any% categories to DLC/No DLC

And it looks like we will ban timer manipulation for hunts. which, by proxy would mean a potential wipe of non full runs of IL's and we will have to lean into having full video runs on the IL Leaderboard from start to finish.

Unless I forgot a vote, or misread a post, I'm pretty sure this means we know which direction to take the leaderboard. So That will be up for the super mods to make the needed changes.

Thanks again for everyone voting on these issues.

cakekattekoi tycker om detta
Alberta, CanadaShauny71883 years ago

No for split because of the DLC My main argument is that the DLC, even without Nintendo Switch Online can be accessed and downloaded and used by all, so there is no pay wall of sorts to block access to it. If people want to run it with no dlc, that is a choice, but its still the same game, Its just different means to complete the run.

Timer Manipulation I'm for not allowing it. So I'll vote no for allowing it. Heck, before a bit ago, I never even knew this was a thing. :x

Alberta, CanadaShauny71883 years ago

Like the title says. We're here to vote on two things. First thing to vote on, Splitting Any% in Galevnus to have DLC or no DLC. This is self explanatory, should any% allow the Free DLC items provided?

Second thing is Timer Manipulation for IL runs. This is when a runner utilizes loading screens to manip the in game timer (IGT) to thinking the time isn't going down while the new monsters load on the map so the quest time doesn't reflect what the quest looked like. This might make it so IL's will need full videos to prove that no manip has been done.

Please keep in mind these few things BEFORE you post. Calling out runners and mods are out of the question. Remember, we are all human, and we can disagree with each other without taking shots. So please read you own arguments carefully that they do not do that.

Feel free to post as much or as little as you want. You can post just "Yes/No for Split", or "Yes/No for Timer manip". There is no need to show a argument, a vote is a vote.

If you want to elaborate, feel free to post what you want in regards for your argument. Give your reason why. If you have no say, feel free to say that as well. But I would love to hear from any and all runners of the game. Just don't post against others.

Most importantly, remember that this is not a discussion forum. this is for a vote, so don't make more than one post. I would like to see this just be a vote, the argument on WHY, and that is it. If needed, we can make a discussion thread as well so we can keep this one clean so we can easily keep track of the votes on each side as well as peoples arguments.

We'll have the vote go on for a week. Starting from 2pm EST today (June 22nd) to 2pm EST of June 29th.

Alberta, CanadaShauny71884 years ago

Yay, cheers. (:

Alberta, CanadaShauny71884 years ago

Baring using the rewind function. I don't know of any other way people could have an advantage for it.

Alberta, CanadaShauny71884 years ago

Heya, I was just wondering if the Nintendo switch could be added as a platform. The Nintendo Switch Online app got updated with the Japanese and North American versions of Rygar as of the 20th.

I did a run of Rygar via the Japanese NSO app and can't really submit it since its not listed as a valid platform to submit it with and was just wondering if one of the mods could change the valid platforms for anyone who would want to run it via the switch NSO. (:

ClassicGameDad tycker om detta
Alberta, CanadaShauny71884 years ago

Came here to say this as well.

mammaru339 tycker om detta
Alberta, CanadaShauny71885 years ago

That may be the case as well, my old wii is constant, but at this point may be slower as well. But least I can say emulator is faster than both by frames per load as well consistently.

Also coming out of the cubes in double battles is much faster as well in emulator and doesn't tend to lag like the GC and Wii.

Om Shauny7188
Happy go-lucky speedrunner who is always happy to de-rust to help out for charity marathons.
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