Category Extension Board (& more!)
Category Extension Board (& more!)
Postad 2 months ago av

Heyo folks, hope you're having a great 2024 so far.

The eagle eyed who have checked these boards recently might have seen a change to the 'Related' tab as we have added two new boards to the site that are adjacent to this game. These being...

Sonic the Fighters - Category Extensions

This board serves the array of difficulty options that the original game offers as well as Metal Sonic, Eggman and Super Sonic runs for both full game runs and individual levels.

Sonic the Fighters Blitz

A requested leaderboard, Sonic the Fighters Blitz is a 2D inspired fan game with a really neat art style that embodies the charisma of the original game. You can find more information about the game over here.

and aside from the leaderboard business, @AmberCyprian and I are looking for Sonic speedruns that don't feature Sonic as the main guy for our next Games Done Quick Hotfix, Sonic and the Sidekicks. If you wanna find out more about when and what it's all about you can click through here to the submissions page.

Good luck and have fun gamers!

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Category Extension Board (& more!)

Heyo folks, hope you're having a great 2024 so far.

The eagle eyed who have checked these boards recently might have seen a change to the 'Related' tab as we have added two new boards to the site that are adjacent to this game. These being...

2 months ago
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