All Gadgets%?
6 years ago
California, USA

I don't know if this has ever been actually discussed as a category yet, so sorry if this is a repost of some kind. I thought of this category and I thought it's a valid enough category considering there would have to be quite some change in route (and also a bit of time save with Time Rush). I know almost no one runs 100% anyway, so there wouldn't be any runs for quite a while. But we could at least add it now, couldn't we?

(Ps if we need any help with routing it, I'll help if I can.)

California, USA

I probably should have posted the supposed rules which would be something like: Timing starts from Sly taking out his binucucom (first white flash) and ends on the sound that plays for Mega Jump (first audible frame), and only when you have all gadgets.

Also I see all you 28 view lurkers 👀

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago

At first glance, I thought you meant a New Game Plus-like concept where one would start with every gadget unlocked (which has been posed before but never really broke through), but I eventually understood you meant more of a 'True 100%' category.

In terms of running it, I'd say it's a legitimate concept but I imagine grinding for coins could be a hassle. Every 'useless' gadget would probably be bought at the very end, for example. I do, however, think it would prove to be a nice challenge, and would probably require a new route to account for gadgets unlocked along the way, obtaining the treasures and collecting the bottles, as well as opening the vaults.

In terms of moderating it - there's no point in adding a category no one cares about. If enough people show interest and start running it, we, as moderators, can't really shut it down. We might represent the community, but we are also moderating for the community, so if the interest is there it would probably be added as a category.

As for the timing suggestion, I'd rather recommend a visual end point, as sound easily desync (even if mere frames) which would make the timing inaccurate. If the starting point is a visual, so should the ending point be. I think unlocking Mega Jump as an ending point makes sense, as it requires 100% completion to get.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
Osuology tycker om detta
California, USA

Good points. Yeah, I meant more like true 100%. While grinding for coins will be a hassle, there are also other things that I would say are appealing to the category so I still think it would be worth it. And yeah, it was a little forward thinking that we should just add it from nowhere. I'll probably run this in the future when I know any% and 100% fully and route it myself, idk if it will truly be an interesting run but we will see then.

So, the timing endpoint would be maybe first frame where you can see Mega Jump on the gadget screen?

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