Removed loading fade in .ini edits allowed with Special Edition?
4 years ago
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Hello i found an .ini Edit for Skyrim Special Edition wich removes the Loading fade ins in the game. I tested them and found out it works. Also working is the infinite Sprint glitch. I uploaded a Video.

Can the Mods take a look at it? It would be great if we can use this to compete with the Vanilla Version of the game.

sorry for my bad english :(

Link of the .ini

Link of my Test

edit: The Values in the Video were used from the Mod Author. but i tested them for a while and found out that only one Value needed to be changed to make it work. The other Vaules are still needed BUT were used from Vaniulla Skyrim. See second Post.

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

These are the Values that need to be set in skyrim.ini to match Vanilla loading times: Only one Value is changed from Vanilla and this matches with the loading fade in´s from Vanilla. fMinSecondsForLoadFadeIn= is set to 0.0001 from 1.5000

[General] fAutoDoorFadeSecs=0.5000 fFastTravelFadeSecs=0.5000 fLoadGameFadeSecs=1.0000 fNormalDoorFadeSecs=0.400000006 fNormalDoorFadeWait=0.0099999998

[Interface] fFadeToBlackFadeSeconds=1.0000 fMinSecondsForLoadFadeIn=0.0001 CHANGED TO MATCH VANILLA TIMING fSleepFaderTime=0.6999999881


Here is the new Test Video with these Values

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

one year and not a single reply. please can you look for that? this opens the opurtunity tu run a much more stable version of the game. as stable as skyrim can be at least.


Barely anyone reads forums. Have you considered asking in the discord?

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