6 years ago
United States

It seems like a fun idea to try to keep the game fresh, so it is up to you guys to accept or do a vote maybe? Who's down ? Who likes the idea? (Under MIsc. Categories)

Wanderson_Tavares, Katastrophe och 2 andra gillar detta
São Paulo, Brazil

It's a good idea !!!!

Cleberex tycker om detta
São Paulo, Brazil


Wanderson_Tavares och Cleberex gillar detta

I think it's a good idea if there's interest from other runners to run it. Variety is the spice of life, and even a revered game series like Resident Evil needs something new from time to time to keep things fresh, give people a new incentive to run and learn the same game but from different angles.

The same old tried and true any% and nemesis% may be cool and all, but any change that will keep the RE community strong and bustling, is a good change to me.


No but if it does get added it means 2 more WRs for me.

Cleberex, Yandere_Maiden och 5 andra gillar detta

Gotta love Mr Modest himself. Kappa

Cleberex tycker om detta

It is going to be a no from me, reason being that I do not simply see this being a popular category. If the category is NOT going to be competitive and active for long periods of time then I can only see this being a category in which only 2 or 3 runners are going to run which will not bring in any new or bring back any old runners. Just the runners who want to claim a free WR on a dead category.


Yes. Fuck the no-fun-allowed people tbh :)

Oh wait I forgot this became the Elitist RE Community! Nevermind!

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
Cleberex och Wanderson_Tavares gillar detta

Please stop showing that this is a circlejerk and not an actual community, don't make it that obvious!

NyxAvatar0013 tycker om detta

You're implying that a lot of his WRs are free buddy?

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
insanebb tycker om detta

Good for him! But wait dude... you don't even run this game, why your opinion should matter at all mate?


Might aswell add a 100% category then. All Files, All unique weapons, ammo, ALL nemesis kills (including the train fight cause the "all drops" is bullshit since you dont even pick up all drops).

Any% + Picking up more stuff is just a waste of time really.

Phatzo och allancg gillar detta

Smoke has a sub 45, but by that logic, you don't run this game, so why should your opinion matter bro?

Democritus3 tycker om detta

You have a bunch of WRs and you're instantly the voice of reason over here? Save your elitist bullshit for those who worship people like you.

Just RE3? LOL @Viixie_

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
insanebb tycker om detta

I never claimed to be, but you're here antagonizing people for no reason.

BashyCake och DJNattie gillar detta

Its all well and good saying people do not run the game, did it never occur that a lot of people can run a game offline because they want to learn and practice for a lot of the time before even streaming their first pb? Without the distractions of having to to communicate with viewers and inform them every time why they are not doing one strat or another? Nah didn't think so.


Because a lot of this people will go to absolute lows to achieve their powerstruggle "goals" and it's funny how they STILL after taking control they feel to backup their decisions/opinions with some friends.

Actually nevermind dude, you deserve some respect because you actually care about running the game and do not apparently care about mod status bullshit. Good for you. @Orchlon

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
Queensland, Australia

I run the game, don't submit times because of memes like this. If we add this category can I also please have neme magnum english% tyvm

SmashF13ND, Voxgizer och 3 andra gillar detta

Let me end my job% today and we can talk about that. If this category bring more people to run this game for fun, I'm agree with your category. I'm a RE3 speedrunner since 2014 with another GC runners and I saw a positive evolution this 4 years and I'm really thankful with people that contributed awesome strats and guides but.... I just don't want toxic people anymore and if some people don't have anything helpful to say here... get out please...

Wanderson_Tavares, NyxAvatar0013 och 2 andra gillar detta

Because, what? That makes no sense, I think you're projecting something else that happened into this discussion for no reason.

BashyCake och DJNattie gillar detta