[Bug][Soucenext] High load time when the sound is turned on.
8 years ago

so wait are you trying to instantly skip doors and in result the screen is black for 4 seconds? if so that isn't a bug. For each door you need to wait (or count) 2 seconds before you skip in order for the black screen to not appear. (some doors slightly longer wait time)

Bad door skip = time loss

going into the registry and turning off sound and getting an instant skip sounds interesting though could you make a quick video without sound on ?


Congrats speedrunxyz, you just found out something new.

Disabling the DirectSound (all sound) in Regedit saves about 1.4 seconds per door. For Leon A thats 164¤1.4 = 3m50s save in total.

Thing is that im not sure myself if this should be allowed or not. Sure we disable the FMV in regedit but the IGT pauses when a FMV is running so it doesnt matter if its enabled or disabled.

speedrunxyz och StevenMayte gillar detta

Just got 49:55 Claire A Kappa


Turning the sound to zero and disabling it is 2 completely different things. One is an option, one is a modification to the game (purely for speed) and in my opinion shouldn't be matched against unmodified versions (see REmaster doorskip). But that is not my decision to make. Just thought I'd try and offer my point of view.


When sound is enabled you need to skip the door when the doorknob is turning. That's how it's been done for ages now. Check WR runs for reference.

speedrunxyz tycker om detta

It's an option the game provides, not a mod. This isn't even like a debug option or anything. Imagine if REmaster had a "DoorSkip" registry option or an ini option? Is it modding if we set "DoorSkip=1" ?


This whole thing is nothing more than a modification to the game. Playing the game with no sound, and in doing so you save 4 minutes just renders all of the hard work and dedication people have put into this game for years pointless. I understand new "strats" are always found in games and i'm completely fine with adapting and learning new strats, but this isn't a strat imo this is a modification.

Not to mention my biohazard 2 folder is nowhere to be in found in regedit. So even if i was like a hyped up child at Christmas over this i couldn't even turn my sound off.

RebeccaRE och insanebb gillar detta

If I uninstall my audio drivers, I won't have DirectSound capabilities, so the game cannot use DirectSound. Now I have instant skips without modding the game. I can also unequip my sound cards.

Problem solved ?


@Supergamer57 If REmaster had that option then its up to the REmaster runners to decide.

I made up my mind about this now and I'm against it. Not all people have the regedit files like StevenMayte for example and he and Dchaps have tried hard to get them back without success.

So what would happen if we allowed it? Well let's say we did and everybody went back on RE2 for a couple of weeks. The leaderboard would probably be the same but just ~4min faster on each run and with NO SOUND. I can't see this being a good thing at all.

EDIT: if we allow it then we could add categories for it. The board will be dead within a month if even that.

wvve och insanebb gillar detta

I was gonna let this slide either way until the reasoning behind it was "it's a game modification." I'm fully activated now. RTA was still slower than GameCube even with instant skips lol

Also, you have regedit files. In 64 bit, they're under "wow6432node" or w/e that compatibility bs is.

I'm just arguing if it's mod or not. I don't care if it's allowed or not. If a separate category is made (or even allowed mainstream), I would run it just because it's faster.

@speedrunxyz The slow door is an intended effect when audio is enabled. It waits for the music to fade out before loading anything, even if there's no music change. It will take longer on instant skip because of how the fading timer works (it's a function of the door frame count). It will speed up the longer you wait.

speedrunxyz tycker om detta

I personally wouldn't mind seeing this added as a different category, I believe it would level the playing field enabling new (and even existing) runners to compete with each other more closely by removing a hurdle that some may struggle with.

Having said this, it should be acknowledged that door-skipping itself has become part of the run and is something that requires concentration and practise to perform correctly so my concern would be that we'd not only be making the game faster but making it easier too (one could say dumbing it down?) at the expense of in-game audio.

Changing registry values is not really an option the game provides, is it? As this requires ALL in-game sound to be disabled it is, unfortunately, a no-brainer that it should not be allowed as it would run contrary to current verification rules.


does it really need a category though? i mean it's already an even playing field providing runners learn to doorskip which isn't hard to learn. I see it as a pointless meme category and an easy way to avoid the current optimization.

Might aswell add a category for F8 Timer manipulation and a category for using an external program to jump from kendo to the final corridor of the game while we're at it. Both of these things are considered a big NO in terms of speedrunning, just like a run with no audio.


I'm honestly kind of surprised that this was even considered as a legitimate thing to do, and if there's one thing this series really doesn't need it's more bloody unnecessary categories.

uhTrance och StevenMayte gillar detta

Yeah, ideally, this should not be a thing at all lol


Jessus. H. Christ. What is really going on here? Honestly, my 1-st opinion , after i saw this video + some comments here , was like - "Does some buddies here trying to make game look like RE3 MediaKite, in therms of speed up in loading areas, for make it JUST COMFY, OR FASTER, OR THAT SHOULD BE A CATEGORY BECAUSE ITS FASTER, FOR ONLY THEMSELVES!? (No hard feelins I m not going to argue here ANYBODY !!!)

That thread putted me in final stage of my rage. Guys im fine with DIC strats , cuz its SAVE TIME TACTIC and not reg. manipulation, im fine with QUICKSHOTS, cuz its SAME thing. But when you creating thread and asking about just a problem, then try and solve, dont make from it an attempt for asking on adding 100% DEAD CATEGORY . Why its dead? Just tell me who be able to run it? You, @speedrunxyz? @Supergamer57 ? Ok, WHO ELSE? Other Re3 Mediakite runners? You made my day.

Guys, ALL of SuperOldSchool, OldSchool Speedrunners WAS & WILL SPEEDRUN THIS GAME on 100% legit. They doesnt need of mode this game, they just wanted competition. When i was new in community in all therms & wanted myself to be atleast one of the best, I realized something: I MUST BE 1. Honest. 2. Respectful 3. Fair play Opponent. I watched best speedruns of top5-10 players in this game & was fully agree with rules. The rules guys are really simple and same as in 2013 when i was 1st time here, but GAME its much harder, then almst any of resi games (there are exceptions), I knew it from very beginning.

By adding this, as already 1 Good Person says, you just saying like - ahhh f¤¤¤ you, it doesnt matter for me, cuz its faster & comfy, to all hard works of top15 for trying & reach "sub 50 club"!!!!


So result of my post is : Guys, DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO! Want to crush WHOLE PC CATEGORY by ADDING Stupid Type of run? - GO AHEAD! But I know for f¤¤¤ shure - not only ME remained loyal to SPEEDRUN this game!!!! NOBODY CAN DELETE THE CLASSIC CATEGORYS!

P.S & Be shure, if you (ANYBODY) will sub 49 min for Leon A, WITH ADDS , believe - you wouldnt be №1 for ME.

Best regards & no hard feelings.

StevenMayte, zenix och 2 andra gillar detta