All 6 Boards (Battle Royale) in 3h 16m 49s by

Bruh this run was unreal. Gummy gave me a challenge by taking my WR and I took it right back a week later >:)

Overall great run. This was the last one of the night and it turned out SO beautifully when I had ZERO expectations.

Bowser: Overall, an average run. It could've been much better if the CPUs chilled a bit more on candy usage, but I played this board right by taking a big star lead, then just chilling.

Goomba: I got a turn 1 lucky space, which I wasn't sure if it'd be the right play or not, and then focused on just playing the board. Hammer Bro gave me so much anxiety with his Duelo Candy at the end, but I was so fortunate he didn't use it on me.

King Boo: Not much to say. The board play was PERFECT, the minigames were AWFUL.

Koopa: Same situation as Boo where the board played out amazingly, but I got so many terrible minigames. I also had Bandit, DK, and Bowser show up which all account for MAJOR time losses, but somehow, I still managed to get a pretty average time here.

Shy Guy: turn 1, both DK and Bowser were landed on and I thought things would go south from there. I was wrong fortunately. Waluigi got a thrice candy that he NEVER used, I played the right way by going for bonus stars instead of stressing about the board play, and the minigames were great.

DK: Some of the best luck I've ever seen. I rolled double 7s to be able to snag the star AND a 20 coin candy on the same turn to secure shopping star, Waluigi had thrice AGAIN and never used it, the minigames were overall AMAZING. Everything turned out right on the final board of the run to get me this awesome time.

Good luck beating this one.

All 6 Boards (Battle Royale)
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