8 years ago
New Jersey, USA

I kinda prefer the ground. What I mean by that is I kinda wanna run this game without the flying, aka no glitches and just racing normally. Can we create a category for that (btw can we also please include a difficulty option for when we submit times because I'm trash at this game atm.


You're free to run the game without flying. We're not going to create a glitchless category though. It's impossible to define it anyway. Staff ghosts slide. Staff ghosts also do double taps on the half pipe to gain speed, which is just the ground version of a DTD (the big dives that give you crazy speeds). The half pipe technique was even mentioned in an interview with the developers. They knew about it, but kept it in, so you can't really say it's a glitch. And AGG is only applicable in a few tracks, but it's super risky so not many people would do it anyway.

As for the difficulty, there is already Novice and Master, you don't really need anything else. I could just combine all difficulties into a single leaderboard, with the difficulty as an extra value, so you can do it in whatever difficulty you want. Guess that would look a bit cleaner aswell.

Rmac524 tycker om detta
New Jersey, USA

Hm sounds cool thanks for ur input.