moderation request
6 years ago
Connecticut, USA


grnts, 1nstant och 7 andra gillar detta
Colorado, USA

But when he submits his runs and they are verified, the run times are exactly the same as when he stopped his timer, so he must be a good moderator.

grnts, Pear och 2 andra gillar detta
Michigan, USA

Listen, if I'm not mod yet, you just popping up and saying you can mod isn't gonna make you mod Kappa

Besides, we also have 4 active mods

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
grnts, Pear och 2 andra gillar detta
United States

Can I have mod?

Regia och Caarda gillar detta
Indiana, USA


grnts, 9Withers och 2 andra gillar detta
Indiana, USA

But we could use a 5th mod because 5>4 Right? Lol

9Withers och Caarda gillar detta
Lorraine, France

I can be a mod if you need 5 mods

Victoria, Australia

We'll all be mods. For the memes.

grnts, Grovmaw och 3 andra gillar detta
Colorado, USA

can i have mod again?

Samw1tch, 9Withers och 2 andra gillar detta
Oklahoma, USA

can has mod confirmed? PogChamp plz i has mod? WutFace does is have mod? Kreygasm

i es mod worthy yes i am good senpai master 420 blaze it final desunation waifu only gangsta edition watashi wa kawaii desu mod

Redigerad av författaren 5 years ago
9Withers, Caarda, och Kyrette gillar detta
Virginia, USA

Can I have mod?

9Withers och piplup17 gillar detta
United States

Still want to be modded tbh

9Withers, piplup17, och ennopponetwelve gillar detta
Ontario, Canada

Just ask them, bro

The worst they can say is no, bro


can i have mod

SuperGamer64 tycker om detta
Victoria, Australia

Average Learn to Fly runner.

9Withers, snivy, och Samw1tch gillar detta
Milwaukee, WI, USA

can i have mod

Caarda tycker om detta