Question about IL runs
9 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Since there is no video to watch for me to understand the ILs, I'll ask here. For the IL times, am I just starting a new game and getting to the end as fast as possible? Am I getting every star? Does it include green stars? Can someone give a detailed ruling on it?

speedrunsRus likes this
Massachusetts, USA

seriously i agree... also is anyone going to make a REAL IL leaderboard...

TheGlitched64 likes this
United States

These IL websites are linked in the resources page: Not enough people wanted to do an actual IL leaderboard on to warrant us figuring out how to do it. If you'd like, we can try make a board to sort by Galaxy.

Portland, OR, USA

I'd think a board like Galaxy 1's would be better. No one has really ran anything that is currently on the leaderboards, and you could just implement those into individual worlds anyway.

United States

Also, @TheGlitched64, there are rules for the current IL runs that explain what you're confused about. All you have to do is click "Show Rules."

Victoria, Australia

Yeah, I did read the rules on the IL's, several times. They were... confusing to say the least. Just getting to the end of the galaxy... do we grab all the stars, is it from a new game? That sort of thing is not answered.

Portland, OR, USA

You unlock the world, start time, and then unlock the next world as soon as possible.

Victoria, Australia

Awesome, thank you for that.

United States

Sorry the rules couldn't explain and for missing your message until today =/ I wish had a notification system. Anyway, I'm going to add the galaxies the way they are on the smg1 leaderboard now. :) I'm sorry about the frustration :(

TheGlitched64 likes this
United States

Alright, all the galaxies are added in the same way the SMG1 leaderboards have it. If you're confused, feel free to chat here again and I'll try my best to remember to check for new posts!!

Portland, OR, USA

I suggest an IL category where you get all the non-green stars.

United States

Alright, I added it. As long as people do runs of it, it'll stay :p

speedrunsRus likes this
Victoria, Australia

I'll definitely do runs of it, yeah. Cheers for adding individual galaxies to the IL board. :)

Massachusetts, USA

1 more question. can i use emulators? also if yes, is there a certain amount of time I have to add or subtract or whatever? (also why I haven't been posting a lot because I am planning on recording vids)

United States

Sorry, that should be specified in the rules. Emulators aren't allowed.

speedrunsRus likes this
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