4 years ago
Ind​ianapolis, IN, USA

How about a new category where you can not kill any enemies, which would render most cubes useless and you cant use them but would make for an interesting challenge in many levels

KilleDragon likes this
Basque Country

Lmao nice! The only problema is that you have to kill bosses yes or yes XD

Wait, imagine to verificate this… A moderator have to look absolutely all the run and realice about ig he kill any enemy, because it can happend in any second. If the run is so long, ufff

Edited by the author 4 years ago
DrunkGecko likes this
Ind​ianapolis, IN, USA

I forgot about bosses lol. And verifying the runs would take a long time, but it would be awesome if there could be something like this.

KilleDragon likes this
Ind​ianapolis, IN, USA

Another thing ive thought of was IW (individual Worlds) so for runners who dont want something as long as any% or as short as The ILs. It would be long enough for competition so it takes a while to be fully optimized.

KilleDragon likes this
Ind​ianapolis, IN, USA

Unless that is a thing and i havent noticed it yet

KilleDragon likes this
United States

Truth be told, I don't understand the purpose of adding a pacifist category. It doesn't really add enough of a challenge to warrant its own category. IWs also wouldn't be a relevant edition since they wouldn't get proper competition; there wouldn't be interest. IWs were a part of the leaderboards in the past, but were removed for the aforementioned reason.

Tankgames, J_duude and 2 others like this
Basque Country

I understant that of the IWs; I think is not painfull to be there, but is okey. But, in all case, would be not a bad idea the pacifist% lol.

Would be nice a category extensions of this game lmao

Tankgames and Revelyte23 like this
United States

I agree that Pacifist would not be especially interesting in this particular game (at least for me personally). But if enough people want to do it, then there's no reason there couldn't be a category extensions page for this game (better than a miscellaneous tab imo). There could be plenty of non-standard categories that would be fun for some people, like tanuki-less, Luigi Any% (as an artificial new-game plus type of thing), All Ghost Houses, maybe even bring back the old race category of beat 5-2 warpless.

It looks like requests for category extensions pages are handled by site staff as game requests. Games with less runs than 3DL have C.E. pages, so if we have some runs of other categories to show I don't see why it wouldn't be approved. If anyone wants to actually do a run of any of these five categories (with video preferably), then I'll also do a run with video. I'd be willing to submit the game request and moderate the category extensions page if the other 3DL mods don't want to be bothered.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Pear, zeldacubed and 3 others like this
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