Shadowcrypt Any% guide
Shadowcrypt Any% guide
Updated 7 years ago by Celestinno

Well, this is a guide that I made based of my current run (21:51 IGT). This wont be a really optimized tutorial cause optimizing this game is really hard, but I'll do what I can.

First of all let's start with the basics of the game:

1 - Movement: You can walk, jump, crouch and grab edges of platforms. As far as I've tested jumping and walking are the same, concerning movement speed, so just walk or jump or do whatever you want.

2 - Equipment: You start the game with a basic shield, a basic sword and some javelins. Let me explain those in details:

2.1 - Swords:
	Swords have two important things about them: Their attack power and their elemental atributte. Lets also discuss those in details:

	2.1.1 - Attack power
		Your swords have a range of damage they can do. Using the Basic Starting Sword as an example (3-7), your sword can do 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 randomly. The minimum range I've seen was 1, it was a 7-8 sword. The maximum range I've seen was 10, it was a 2-12 sword. But those are pretty rare.
		To maximize your damage output you will want the sword that does the most damage at any given moment, só going for the higher maximum value is the right answer. However, try to avoid high range swords, cause they tend to create frustrations.
		The best sword in the game, damage wise, is the 8-13 sword. If you can get one of those, you're set, as far as damage is concerned.

	2.1.2 - Elemental Atribute
		Swords can have one of three different atributes: Ice, Fire and Lightining(? Might be holy, the game is never clear about this).
		Anyways, Fire does extra damage, Ice stuns enemies for a moment and Holy(?) knock them back a little bit.
		So, obviously the atribute you are looking for is Fire, cause it can kill enemies faster. The second best one is Holy. I only recommend Ice if you have none.
		The elemental effect will trigger randomly so... just pray for good rng. Its not that rare tho.
		Elemental effects also affect your javelins.... for some reason (I guess the guy is just taping swords to poles and throwing them). In javelins the elemental effect always triggers, so this is useful to deal with some things on the run.
		In javelins holy element also has a nice twist, it makes the javelin go through enemies. So you can hit a whole room of enemies all at once if you throw them. Its really neat. It does not outdoes the fire element, but its a good thing to have.

2.2 - Shields
	Shields are really simple. There are only 4 types and you can get only 3 from enemies and chests.
	You have the Basic Shield that you start with (the green one). This one is normal and you cant drop it or get it from chests.
	There is the Hammer Shield (the purple one). This is the second worst shield. Its effect is that sometimes it knocks enemies back twice the distance. Its useless except for one or two rooms.
	The Defender Shield (the blue one) is the second best shield of the game. Its effect is that sometimes it staggers enemies as much as the ice elemental does. So maybe you can chain both, but its really rare and not really useful. The ocasional stagger is good tho.
	The Avenger Shield (the red one) is the best shield of the game. When you knock an enemy back, it will some times do damage to them. This is the shield you want to use, cause you will maybe do damage to the enemy when you otherwise wouldn't.

2.3 - Javelins
	Javelins are your "sub-weapon" so to speak. You can have up to 9 any given moment and they can drop from enemies and chests randomly, just like swords, shields and life refills.

3 - The run Now that I've covered the things you have, now it's the time to learn how to use them. I'm gonna do a room-to-room guide, so this is going to be really long. Anyways let's go.

Room #1: You start the game in an empty room. Just enter the other door. Room #2: A room with a door that opens when you touches it. Just pass by it and kill the enemy. (NOTE: The enemy in this room is the weakest one in the game. He has 15 hp so 3-4 hit should do the job. I'm not gonna say it again but, if any enemy drop something better based of what I've written so far, grab it) Room #3: Four normal enemies, just kill them and proceed. Room #4: Just a chest here. only bother grabing it if you still have the first sword or lost 3 or more Hp. Room #5: The first fork on the road. Kill all the enemies and enter the door on the left. Room #6: Kill the 3 enemies and proceed Room #7: Kill the 2 enemies and proceed Room #8: The first tough enemy encounter. Those shielded skulls have 100+ health. The best strat here is to attack up first to bait them to defend. Then you crouch and give them the bussiness. kill it and get the chest if you are low in health or with a bad sword. Room #9: The first archer encounter. This guy can zone you and/or anti-air you quite easily, so just watch out for the timing of your jumps and you'll be fine. just crouch in front of him and it will not be able to hit you. Room #10: Kill the guy and proceed. Room #11: Same as above Room #12: This room is one example of the Holy(?) javelin being really good. You can just clobber those enemies with 3 or 4 javelins if you have them. Anyways kill the guys and proceed. You can gain some time damage boosting off of the lances on the ceiling. You jump on them and turn around at the last moment. You'll be sent forward. Also be wary of the axe skeleton, he can throw the axes. Room #13: Get the key and just go back to Room #5 Room #5: Enter the door in the Right Room #14: Kill the Lance skeleton. Be careful, his lance hitbox is slightly longer than the sword hitbox, so you'll have to adjust your spacing. Room #15: Use the key and open the door. Room #16: Kill the enemies and proceed Room #17: Kill the enemies and be careful with the archer. you can damage boost off of the lances into the higher platform to gain some time. Just be under it, face the other way and jump. Room #18: If you get the timing right, you can just walk in and out of the moving platform. this way you dont get anti-air'd by the archer. Room #19: Kill the enemy and proceed (To be continued)

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