USA NTSC region please
5 years ago

Please @ShiningDragoon would you be so kind to add the USA NTSC region to the Any% category when a run is about to be submitted??? Only JPN can be chosen, I always play the USA NTSC version. Make that happens, thank you!

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Maryland, USA

Lol wow How did I never see this... Changing your run now :P

manticor5 likes this
Goiás, Brazil

Why my score was putting in rygar 2(online version), i have played in rygar2 , mame plus.

Maryland, USA

I explained my reasoning in the other forum post. If you want a free wr you need to prove that the rom for "US Set 2" is actually different than "US Set 1". As far as I knew there was only 2 versions. However at some point someone renamed the old US Set 2 to US Set 3 (old version). Both the US Set 1 and Set 2 roms (online) have the same title screen etc. I don't know about the full game itself. US Set 3 has the difference in starting text.

Maryland, USA


Nicola Salmoria added Rygar (US set 1). Changed 'Rygar (US)' to clone '(US set 2)'.Added new audio cpu rom to (US set 2)

Corrado Tomaselli added clone Rygar (US set 2). Changed description of clone 'Rygar (US set 2)' to 'Rygar (US set 3 Old Version)'. Renamed (rygar2) to (rygar3).

but in the post The differences between the US (set 1) and US (set 2) are :

  • 'Set 2' has a bug in the code which lets p2 start a game when p1 is already playing. You need to set a dip-switch to enable this behavior (it is usually on by default). If you press '2' while p1 is playing a single player game, 'Set 2' will check that you have 1 or more credit before it registers that you're now in a 2 player game, but it won't deduct the credit. That's a bad bug and probably accounts for why a bug-fix version was released.

  • In 'Set 2', if p2 starts while p1 is already playing, it says 'playre2' instead of 'player2' at the top right.

  • The first screen of 'Set 2' says 'ALL RIGHT RESERVED' - missing an 'S' - that's fixed in 'Set 1'

There is no mention of Set 3

Edited by the author 2 years ago