New rule for PC runs (27/8)
9 months ago

Hello, we are implimenting a new rule for Yakuza 0 PC runs. It is as follows:

For PC runs, you MUST use the provided load remover by Livesplit. An FPS counter must also be visible. The games FPS counter located in the options, Steam's in-game FPS counter, RTSS via MSI Afterburner, or other FPS counters are acceptable as long as they are actively measuring the game's frame rate.

For console runs nothing has changed; however the wording of the timing for you to submit too has changed to "Real Time Attack" and the language used in the rules has been reflected accordingly. Nothing else has changed for console runs.

Does this also mean PLA's new load remover has been pushed to LiveSplit?


I believe it will be very soon. Some runners had some weird like activation stuff with it like last week that was sorted out (and now as an addition also works with the GOG version I believe!) so I believe the last few issues should be being worked out.

If you find any other issues with it feel free to message PLA or me to pass onto PLA. If you're wondering whether to do runs with it i'm pretty confident you can do runs with it as it should be the one that'll be live soon. I probably jumped the gun a little too fast with the full rule change and shoulda kept it as just show FPS for now, but I don't believe PLA's version has any issues currently

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