тема: Strider (NES)
baldnate2 years ago

Oh yeah, and 100% was at GDQ a year ago.

bronski и Mr_Magnificent нравится это
baldnate2 years ago

Turns out shifting an existing category to a variable is a hassle, so I kept USA and Japan as the top level categories. Any% and No Give Ups are now a subcategory, and I have added Matt's runs to those boards.

baldnate2 years ago

Thanks for the replies, sounds like we are in agreement.

In the next day or so I will make the following changes:

  • Add a top level categories for "No Give Ups" and "Any%"
  • Make USA and Japan sub-cats under each
  • Add Matt's runs to the new boards
  • Ensure that all existing Any% runs show up properly on the board
NESAtlas нравится это
baldnate2 years ago

From a rules perspective, seems straightforward enough.

From a speed perspective, not giving up is faster than giving up... but it is much much harder to pull off.

It's a minor point, though: Give Ups Allowed vs Give Ups Permitted is a fine distinction and easily enforceable rule.

@NESAtlas: What do you think?

baldnate2 years ago

I did my runs in DOSBox at 15000 cycles. That felt very playable and I don't recall encountering any lag.

Oreo321 нравится это
тема: Alien Crush
baldnate2 years ago

Howdy! In talking to a few folks from the Crush community, we were thinking about exploring more of Alien Crush via longer categories.

In that spirit, I spent some time to get a 10M and 25M run together. Those point marks match the longer categories used for Devil's Crush.

Anyone else interested? So far the strats are more or less the same - bottom bonus for victory. Not accidentally draining and getting consistently good bonus redemptions seems extra important for keeping a good pace. But perhaps the top screen has strats that are worth the ramp up for larger point targets.

Peanutfan22 и Tenka нравится это
baldnate3 years ago

How should a hard difficulty run of the 2600 version be submitted? Here is my run for reference:

тема: The Site
baldnate3 years ago

I'd like to request moderator on Ninja Golf ( I have 4 pending runs. There are zero moderators on the board currently.

baldnate3 years ago

Accepting sounds fine, but not sure if we'd make a new sub-category for the mini or allow it into the current boards.

From what I've seen with the mini, the emulation seems to be pretty good. The turbo fire on the controller works at the same frequencies as original hardware, but it is not lag aware. The result is that if you are on fast turbo fire during lag frames, you may fire faster than you could on original hardware turbo.

I don't know if that difference confers an advantage in Ninja Spirit. There is lag in the game, but managing lag well saves seconds over the course of the run. But maybe faster bomb throws could take out some of the bosses faster in RTA? Hrmmm

I see @LattMackey split out the mini on the board for Psychosis. Maybe he has more info he can share here.

RicoTheSaboteur нравится это
тема: Strider (NES)
baldnate3 years ago

sub-20 now:

bronski, 8BitsOfJoy и 1 другие нравится это
тема: Devil's Crush
baldnate3 years ago

No prob and thanks!

Peanutfan22 и Tenka нравится это
тема: Devil's Crush
baldnate3 years ago

In collaboration with fellow Naxat Pinball runner CheeseVikingGames, I was able to beat the game. On the TG-16 version, this involves scoring 1 billion points.

Here is the video for your consideration. I ended timing at the moment the score locks at max, which is immediately followed by the playfield exploding and the ending playing.

Peanutfan22 и Tenka нравится это
тема: SimCity (NES)
baldnate3 years ago

I slightly prefer option 2 over option 1, but I'm good with whichever. In my later runs I was timing to the first frame you can tell which congrats dialog you are getting... which is sorta in the middle of your two options time-wise.

junkyard_dave и 8BitsOfJoy нравится это
тема: The Site
baldnate3 years ago

Requesting mod for Kids on Site ( ). I've had a run pending for 21 days. Mod has not logged on in almost two months. I attempted to contact the mod through twitter ( ). I have not heard anything back.

тема: Ikaruga
baldnate3 years ago

The stage 4 end-boss might benefit from repeated death/i-frame abuse. Perhaps some of the mid-bosses elsewhere could be sped up via i-frame abuse as well. I'm not sure, though: you'd need to do enough extra damage during i-frames to make up for the loss of damage from respawn.

In any case, thanks for posting this recommendation. Let's see if anyone else chimes in.

xenkaroshi нравится это
тема: jumpNULL
baldnate4 years ago


тема: The Site
baldnate4 years ago

Requesting mod for Yu Yu Hakusho ( I have two runs pending for 21 days. I attempted to contact the mod through their only listed contact method (Twitch) a couple of weeks ago, but no response and no activity on Twitch or SRC in 10-12 months.

baldnate4 years ago

Good catch. I'm not able to change the name of the game for the board (not sure if super mod or site mod is needed for that), but I did update the URL name and the Twitch game name for this board.

тема: Strider (NES)
baldnate4 years ago

Still working on it:

тема: jumpNULL
baldnate4 years ago

I can't speak to why this board was set up for real time vs IGT; you'll have to track down one of the super mods to ask that question. From other games I have run (mostly console), IGT is not always preferred when available. The reasons for that differ from game to game. In some cases, IGT does not cover all parts of gameplay, leading to strategies that take much longer in real time but are faster in IGT. In other cases, IGT is fundamentally inaccurate, and thus RT is preferred. Each community works this out over time, sometimes changing several times as new information is discovered.

That said, if your setup is running the game much slower than others, that itself could be an unfair advantage. While it slows down your real time duration, it also affords you more real time to perform the game actions for a given IGT (assuming IGT is accurate). I'm not sure if you are doing your Android runs on original hardware or on an emulator, but that is something to consider. From console communities I've worked with, emulated runs are generally accepted, but they need to be run at original hardware speed. Runs with emulated speed are significantly slower or faster than original hardware would be rejected independently of whether the board was configured for RT or IGT.

Finally, for PC games where load times differ significantly between machines, I've seen those communities account for this by removing load times from the real-time duration of the run. This is often done via auto-splitters that integrate into the game itself. Given the description of your setup, I'm not sure if load removal would account for all the slow down you are seeing.

TCM нравится это
О baldnate
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