AutoSplitter Issues
2 months ago
Arizona, USA

after one of my friends got me into Human Fall Flat speedruning i have been enjoying it but i came across an issue this morning when the live split auto splitter stopped working and turning it on would also cause extreme lag but only for live split, i don't really know how to fix this issue and searching for answers online provided nothing. So does anyone know how to fix this?

Отредактировано пользователем автор 2 months ago
Poulet_BLK нравится это
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
He/Him, They/Them
2 months ago

I have had extreme lag issues with LiveSplit in the past, but for now I am not sure how to fix it though I would reccomend using the in-game timer "plcc" which is in the resources right at the top. This is a timer which provides no lag and frame-perfect timing. If you want to keep LiveSplit though, other people may help you on this post but I don't know how to help.


I also use LiveSplit and it occasionally happens. I don''t know why and how to fix, so I always restart LiveSplit. Then it works well.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 2 months ago

Take this comment with a grain of salt, but i believe most of it is correct.

The reason LiveSplit sometimes lags is because the autosplitter we have there tries to get specific values from Human.exe (your game). If that value does not correlate between the autosplitter and Human.exe then it spams LiveSplit with error messages 60 times per second, making LiveSplit lag. This value is different from PC to PC, and even session to session, so if you close and reopen your game, then a new value might be used.

When the autosplitter was written, the author tested on many different users to make sure the values were correct, but some times it will not work.

To fix this, either relaunch the game until it works, switch to the PLCC autosplitter, or check if the author is able to further pinpoint the correct values needed.

Maybe @Permamiss has some insight.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 2 months ago
Arizona, USA

Thank you all for all of your insights Especially IdentitY your suggestion actually worked and i realized all i had to do was have live split open before i launch the game thank you for helping me with this problem

Отредактировано пользователем автор 2 months ago
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