RECentral Discord
7 years ago
Indiana, USA

Hi All So me and a couple runners have made a REDiscord Server from RE1 to RE6 Including ReREmake and such and forth! I would love it if some you guys from this community can join the discord if you are still running the game! :) Thanks and much love to all. Here is a link to it

Edited by the author 7 years ago

We already have a Resident Evil Discord - here is the link

Deln likes this
California, USA

That link is dead, can I get a new link to the Discord please? Thanks!


I believe that second link has also expired, isn't there a way to make an invite link not expire?

Alberta, Canada

All existing links were deactivated recently due to a concern of people spamming entire servers with PMs containing child pornography. I don't know what the status is with that now, but if the ban on links is lifted, someone will share a new one shortly, I'm sure.


lol wtf

Kil13rFTW likes this

hi i search the discord link for running RE5 speedrun, the discord is dead or not ? have a link ? thanks all =)

He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
3 months ago This one doesn't expire apparently. It's the re5 speedrun discord.