Capital B - 2-Cycle First Phase
Capital B - 2-Cycle First Phase
Atualizado 6 years ago por DerKO

Capital B starts with 15 health when you meet him up the elevator. After you avoid his bees, you get an opportunity to knock him down and deal damage. The initial hit to knock Capital B onto his back does not do any damage, and he will be invincible for a short while. A good visual cue to know when he is vulnerable is when the bottom of his cane hits his stomach and the head of the cane passes his right hand. From here, you have a moment to do damage before he becomes invincible again. The damage done in both of your cycles must add up to 15, or else you will have a third cycle which can cost ~20 seconds. There are three moves you can use beat the first phase of Capital B in 2 cycles: Super Slam, Tail Twirl, and Sonar Shield.

[section=Super Slam] Super Slam is the tonic that upgrades the move Buddy Slam. When Super Slam is activated, a wave of several hitboxes will come out when you buddy slam. Buddy slam itself will do 4 damage to Capital B, while the shock wave will hit Capital B many times and do 3-5 damage, totaling 7-9 damage. If you make sure you get a direct hit immediately, you will most likely get 8 damage.

Super Slam is the easiest and safest method to 2 cycle Capitol B, though it prevents you from using other useful tonics during the fight, such as Athlete. If you do not get a direct hit on Capitol B quick enough, you will risk not doing enough damage.

[section=Tail Twirl] Diagram: I will reference parts of this diagram with numbers, e.g. (#) Explanation

(1) When you hit Capital B with a Tail Twirl, you do 1 damage and begin a Tail Twirl combo. In this combo, you can attack 2 more times before the combo ends, doing 2 more damage. The faster you are able to do these 3 hits, the more time you have for the rest of the cycle to do damage. (2) After the 3 hits are done and we are in the cooldown animation, there is a persistent hitbox that lingers which will involuntarily hit Capital B a 4th time. (3) After the tail twirl animation ends, you can begin another tail twirl combo and do another 3 damage. (4) The delayed 4th hit, however, will not come out quick enough, and when it hits Capital B, he will be invincible, causing a total 7 damage for the cycle. We need 8 damage in a cycle to 2 cycle. Lucky for us, we are able to jump out of the tail twirl cooldown animation, AKA jump cancel. Also, the hitbox for air attacking comes out immediately after the A>X input. (5) To get the 8th hit, we will air attack immediately after the last X input of the second tail twirl combo. This input looks like: X>X>X>wait for lagging hit>X>X>X>A>X. You can just spam X until you need to press A>X as extra X inputs do not affect anything. This gif shows me doing the strat at half speed ( Capital B's health is shown in the bottom right. For comparison, here is another gif of me being too late in the first cycle but getting 8 damage in the second cycle instead ( Here is TRS executing it real time ()

If you are like me and physically unable to execute this input fast enough, you can use pausing to make the process much easier. When you knock down Capital B, pause right as soon as you see the cane visual cue. First, you can quickly do these inputs: Start>X>Start>Start>X>Start>Start>X. From this moment, we wait to pause again sometime after the 4th hit and before the Tail Twirl animation ends. We will attempt Start>X>Start again, except this time there is a good chance that we will be too early. We want to start early to ensure that we get our hits in as early as possible. Keep trying Start>X>Start until you hear the sound effects of the tail twirl. When you hear them, continue doing the Start>X>Start>Start>X>Start, and then you are ready to do Start>A>X. It IS possible to do Start>X>Start too fast. When this happens, the hit of the combo is used up, but it will not register as damage done to Capital B. If this happens, you cannot get 8 damage in the cycle. The pauses will use up time, but they definitely pay off if you can reliably hit the 2 cycle.

There are 2 ways to get the "8th" hit in as your first hit, but these are unreliable as there is some unavoidable down time waiting for animations. When you knock Capital B down with a Tail Twirl, you can time your second and third hits so that the 4th lagging hit will connect with Capital B the same time that his invincibility drops. After waiting for the animation to end, you can do X>X>X>lagging hit>X>X>X, completing 8 damage. Another way to get in a hit early before starting the tail twirl combo is to use air attack. Right after knocking Capital B down, jump up high against him and air attack. The first hit will not do anything, but there can be a second hit that will come out. Try to connect this hit as soon as invincibility drops and as soon as you reach the ground. Often the second hit will not even come out so this is not viable. If you are insanely fast, you can use either of these early hits combined with the 2 tail twirls and air attack, you can deal 9 damage to Capital B in one cycle.

[section=Sonar Shield] Each time Sonar Shield is activated, a hitbox exists until it hits Capital B. This hitbox does not return until we turn Sonar Shield off and on again. Sonar Shield is able to be activated and deactivated without any lag or delay, meaning every time we toggle it on and off, we do 1 damage to Capitol B. We are able to damage Capital B as fast as we can mash the Y button. If you are a robot, you can actually finish the first phase in 1 cycle ( For us humans, we can still do 2 cycles, but it requires at least 8 presses per second of spamming Sonar Shield onto Capital B. Stamina can be an issue if you roll to avoid the bees, but it is reasonable if you use air attacks to escape. Using Sonar Splosion is the fastest method to escape the bees and uses less stamina than rolling.

Sonar Shield is really only used in 100% runs. It a good strat if you are a fast button masher. It will allow you to choose any tonic and it has much simpler inputs than the Tail Twirl method. It can be risky if you have do not have any Power Extenders or the Athlete tonic equipped, as running out of stamina can cause you to lose the 2 cycle.

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