Capital B - Super Slam Strats
Capital B - Super Slam Strats
Atualizado 7 years ago por Samabam

First Phase Phase 1 is where Super Slam saves the most time. In the first cycle hit Capital with two super slams, the first of which needs to land on his body. The second one can be on the ground or on his body. Repeat this process in the second cycle. If you did everything correctly the first super slam of cycle 2 will be enough to end phase 1.

Second Phase This phase is unaffected by Super Slam and can be done normally. You can use the AOE aspect of Slam to take out some of the corplets if you desire.

Third Phase Super Slam saves time and health in this phase. Whenever Capital's cane gets stuck, slam to knock him down, then slam on his body for a one-hit cycle ender. Aim for the joint between his body and a leg. For the first bee chase in this phase, lure Capital toward the outer edge of the platform, then when you Slam on his body, slam so that you get pushed toward the outer edge even further. This will force Yooka to run to the inner circle in a mini-cutscene, and during this running animation the bees cannot hurt you. For the second bee chase, you do not need to lure Capital or use special placement. Just slam Capital before the bees hit you and they will disperse when the cutscene starts.

Fourth Phase Again, this phase is unaffected by Slam. Proceed as normal.

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