News: No Major Skips, Turbo, and more!
News: No Major Skips, Turbo, and more!
Postado 1 year ago por

Hello! I'm here to summarize some of the current developments in Iconoclasts speedrunning and how we're moving to do new stuff!

The current developments around the No Airswim category compelled runners to aim for a new category that retained the spirit of the original no airswim, and as such, a No Major Skips category has been created. The category bans both airswim and entering Blackspace, and it's already had runs as well as a TAS, courtesy of Serena. Feel free to submit!

Also, we're currently discussing allowing the usage of Turbo buttons for all categories. Due to the way the game works around mashing, we expect this to not have any sizable impact in terms of time improvements, but it can provide a major accessibility benefit, making the game easier to run for more people. I'll open a forum post and also we're discussing it on our discord.

Finally, I'm currently going through the rules and formalizing them all, making sure they're standarized and clearly defined. Once that work is done, we will modify all rules. We expect no runs to be affected by this change.

Happy running!

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News: No Major Skips, Turbo, and more!

Hello! I'm here to summarize some of the current developments in Iconoclasts speedrunning and how we're moving to do new stuff!

The current developments around the No Airswim category compelled runners to aim for a new category that retained the spirit of the original no airswim, and as such, a N

1 year ago
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