unable to view the statistics graph
10 months ago
United States

If you click on the statistics tab and scroll down, you are unable to view the graph showing the progression of all the wrs for botw. Is there any way to fix this or is this a problem on my end?


This has been an old problem with the website so it's not you. If you want to see the wr history, I recommend using this document https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O0Vyng5U2tSzq3WZsPovB7y9REb2C7YGVpBTEQN-rb8/edit?usp=drivesdk (can't remember if it's completely up to date but only a couple IL runs should be missing)

therizzlybear24 curtiram isso
Friesland, Netherlands

The newly released speedrun.com layout for the website fixes this!

therizzlybear24 e CyanWes curtiu isso