Are there any ways stabilize super launch?
1 year ago
Tokyo, Japan

I saw a introduction video of super launch and finally could do it once. However I can't do it again. Are there any ways to stabilize it or I just need to practice more?


For a super launch to work consistently you need to be looking at a lag source, like a forest. Because superlaunches are pulling the glider out on a lag frame

bouningen curtiram isso
Tokyo, Japan

Thank you for your reply but I actually know it.(the video told me that) I think I know the basic mechanism of it. I mean, are there any tricks or something.



Tokyo, Japan

ok, I might as well practice.

United States

It's possible you just need practice with pulling glider out of the menu and that's the issue? It's hard to tell what's going wrong without a clip though. If you join the community discord and describe the issue you're having with a clip, there'll be a lot of people that could help you out :)

Tokyo, Japan

That's the first time I heard about it. How can I join it?


there's a link to the discord in resources

Somerset, England

@cobwoms ???????

That is not how you find a game's Discord. The invite is found under a game's follow button

Editado por o autor 1 year ago
grnts, CyanWes, e Gaming_64 curtiu isso

it is in both places then :)

Tokyo, Japan
