video on the speedruning community
2 years ago
United States

This is the worst possible way you could introduce yourself to any speedrunning group, and this is by far the worst video about the Pkmn Mini I have ever seen. So many points about it are wrong, the choice of text-to-speech causes so many errors to show up making it look worse as the video progresses, and the video itself is suspicious and picks fun at the console for having very low specs compared to the GBA which released the same year...dude the Mini is the smallest console ever, of course it'll have lots of compromises to compliment its 72-hour battery life on a single AAA battery! The impression everyone I know got from this was that it paints me and CosmicCornDogz in a bad light just because Maltl0af simply has all the #1 times on each of the categories. I suggest next time that you really word your videos a lot better, not make it look insulting to those that have put considerable time into the game, and you know, actually fucking ask the runners if you want to talk to them about making a video like this, that way there it covers a lot more than your own lack of research, because clearly you didn't even do that much.

I don't welcome you if this is the only involvement you have with the "community" Oh, that's another thing, 3 runners /=/ community, you old battleaxe.

''dude the Mini is the smallest console ever, of course it'll have lots of compromises to compliment its 72-hour battery life on a single AAA battery!'' yeah it is

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