Canless Guide
Canless Guide
Updated 3 years ago by HothRaka

Believe it or not, there's more to Pepsiman speedrunning than just boosting a lot and avoiding objects. At the end of each level, the game counts your total number of collected cans. If you can get through a level without collecting any cans, the new record jingle will not be played, saving around 3-4 seconds. Even if you do collect cans, the countdown will take longer the more you collect, so its still recommended that you avoid the cans in general. If you are just starting out, collecting cans is good. Every 10 cans you collect give you health, and you will probably be taking a lot of damage early on. However, as you start to get better and more consistent at avoiding damage, it is recommended that you start learning to avoid the cans, as it will save you a lot of time.

For the most part, avoiding cans is self-explanatory. It will require some adjustments to your strats, but usually its not too hard to do. It starts getting difficult in areas where you can't jump. These mostly include the "vehicle" sections, as I call them(Garbage can in 1-1 and 4-1, Barrel section in 2-1 and 3-2, etc), but there are a few sections on foot that prevent you from jumping. I will be going over all of these points, the rest is for you to figure out.


0:32 The houses make things kind of difficult, as jumping will usually result in a hit. In this one, I just wait until I'm right at the wall on the far left and then boost through the house. The boost doesn't quite make it all the way through each time, so I slide at the end to make sure I don't hit the other wall.
0:36 The start of the garbage can section. This section is where things get difficult. The first hard to avoid can is right next to that bush. Its hard to explain the exact angle, but you can just barely get inbetween the can and the bush. Pepsiman will stumble a bit if you hit the bush, but its worth it if you're on track for a canless level.
0:43 Hardest cans by far in the level. There is a specific seam right on the leftmost edge of the gap before the yellow excavator, and if you get on it you will avoid the cans while not hitting the excavator. If you're too far to the right, you will either fall into the pit or you will hit the excavator. Stay on this line until you pass the next 2 cans, and then nudge yourself to the right to avoid hitting the pile of wood blocking the left side of the street. It is hard to describe exactly where the seam is, so keep practicing until you get a feel for it.
0:51 2nd house. Stay far to the right and boost as soon as you get to the dresser to break through the house. Slide at the end to get through the house right after it. Make sure to stay hugging the right wall or you may pick up the floating cans just outside the house.


0:15 Another dang excavator making things difficult. Line yourself up with the edge of the pit and then jump and move yourself to the right after passing the excavator. 
0:24 The worst house in the entire game. Start by boosting at the couch. Take a hard left into the first wall to avoid the can in the middle of the house. Immediately begin sliding to continue breaking through the house and head to the right to avoid the awkward path of cans. Do another slide right at the glass door and go back to the left side of the house to avoid the rest of the cans. The timing on the slide is fairly precise; too early and you'll hit the wall at the end of the house, too late and you'll hit the glass door and go tumbling forward. Takes practice.


0:24 The barrel section in 2-1 is one of the hardest sections in the game to do canless. I've only gotten it in a run once or twice. It also puts you in greater risk of dying, so I'd recommend learning it last. Start by going to the left, then immediately tap right to avoid the stack of crates. Push left to avoid the 2 cans going in that direction, then head right and hug the right wall to avoid the rest. The hitboxes on the cans give you very, very little space to maneuver around them, so be careful.  Head to the left and go inbetween the wall of the building and the can in the doorway, then adjust yourself so you are in between the stack of boxes and the next can. Go to the right side of the next can so you avoid the can on the left that comes after it. Head left and hug the wall to avoid the stack of boxes. DO NOT GO TO THE LEFT OF THE BARREL AT THE END. That was a mistake I made in the video, and I was barely able to recover from it. Go to the right of the barrel at the end. The cans at the end are far enough to the right to avoid easily. End the barrel section. Congratulations, you've beaten the second hardest canless section in the game!

The rest of the level is self-explanatory, but the craziness  of the barrel section makes beating 2-1 Canless quite the task. Practice it a lot. Savestates are recommended.


0:12 Wait a little bit after Pepsiman starts running to boost and jump over the pipe. If you boost too early, you will hit the top of the pipe and take damage. It is also possible to slide under the pipe and avoid the cans by staying on the right, but its way riskier.
0:21 Make sure to delay your boost when you're ready to hit the panel. There are cans on the ground right after the panel, so sliding through it is not an option. Boost jumps are wonky and its easy to hit the panel and take damage, so be careful.
1:17 The crowd can make it hard to avoid the cans, but just hug the left wall and you'll avoid them all. Make sure to keep boosting, as there are buttholes in the crowd that want to trip Pepsiman.


1:50 The car wash is the only thing to really worry about when going for Canless. Stay to the right before the camera changes. When the camera starts moving, nudge yourself to the left a little bit to avoid the pink washer thing on the side. Don't forget to slide!


Its evil. Don't go for it. I haven't gotten it in one take so no video. Don't go for it. Trust me. Its not worth it. Not yet.


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