Can you perform ACE on an N64 Emulator if you get the Japanese rom?
4 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

| | | V That


I dunno kappa


You can by changing the recompiler. Unfortunately if you plan on going competitive you wouldn't be able to submit runs that are within 10% of the current world record as it's a game wide rule. As of right now, an emulator run wouldn't be accepted if it was anything under about 9 minutes (actual time can be confirmed by moderators). You could definitely learn how it works with some hands on experience and then see from there if you want to push the leaderboards with official hardware.


And what about SRM on emu? Is it possible?


Some applications of SRM are possible for sure. I am not able to confirm if everything that has been found so far can be done on emu but I'm sure someone on the community discord server will be able to answer.


Yeah I’ll check it out

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