Geplaatst 10 days ago door

Hello everyone my name is still Loading. . . So me and the mod team were discussing some changes to make to stunt runner. So a couple updates ago a patch was made that basically change the momentum that you could keep while playing stunt runner. This change basically made it nearly impossible to beat the world record which was around a 3:25 by DrPovertyShoes. This also made a really difficult for a lot of people to beat their previous runs before this patch. So we have decided to archive all runs that were made before this patch.

Now for the category itself, we have updated and added newer sub-categories to stunt runner. So lets talk about the previous category, stunt runner's previous category was pretty bland. The category had basically only one mode which was any% with restrictions. So thanks to the help of Eltigretom for the ideas (this was actually his idea) we decided to create a normal any% category which this will allow the use of glichwalking and wall clipping to expand the limits of stunt runner. All previous runs that were submitted before this change will now be categorized as glitchless which there's also a new category for that. But this will take time swapping over all previous runs to this category so feel free to resubmit your old runs. Lastly to spice up or add a challenge to any stunt runner speedrunner we have No Cola% which will be your traditional stunt runner glitchless run just without grabbing any cola.

Now I do know that was a mouth full and a lot to read but hopefully you all enjoy this new update. We promise to try and get everyone's runs back onto the board that was wipe due to this change but like I said this will take a while. Now without being said I hope you all have a good rest of your day and hope to see some new stunt runner runs.

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Geplaatst 20 days ago door

Hello everyone, my name is still Loading, I wanted to discuss something with all of you. So lately we have been having issue with some of the smaller, less played categories. This being the requirement of showing your world scale and all POVs. And usually when it comes to the less played categories it’s usually the newer players that are attempting them. So we the mod team have decided change the rule up a bit. If the category has 5 or less runs within it you are not required to show world scale, or all POVs for multiplayer. Now of course we still recommend you do if you can. We made this change to allow the newer runners to have chances to getting some world records and older speedrunners grind out other categories without the stress of following this rule. But we still need you to follow the other rules and not to abuse this privilege. Now of course if the category surpasses 5 runs the normal world scale rules will take affect once again. That being less than 25 runs, top 3 is required to show world scale and more than 25 runs top 5 is required to show world scale.

Hopefully you all enjoy this change and it gives everyone a chance to try new categories and hope to see you all trying them out. Lastly special thanks to speedy and the mod team for the promotion, I am now super mod for both main page and cat ext. And I hope to get everything back up and running and up to date for all the categories. Now I’m done ranting.

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Geplaatst 11 months ago door

We have added a category for 3 quest speedruns in the Marathon category! Have fun!

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Geplaatst 11 months ago door

We have added a new Bowling category. There are sections for both VR and Screen. We are open to suggestions for this, you can suggest things in the discord server. Have fun with your bowling speedruns!

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Geplaatst 1 year ago door

We have added a new category for the category extensions page! In Low%, you aim to get the lowest score possible. Runs are based on score rather than time.

1 gold = 1ms 1000 gold = 1 second.

Time does not matter in these categories, and you can take as long as you want.

These categories are not available for Isle and Crescendo because they don't show their scores at the end.

All non game-breaking glitches are allowed.

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Geplaatst 1 year ago door

The new categories from the event are finally here! There are a lot of new categories, including new leaderboards for Rec Rally and Orientation. There's too many to list them all, so go check them out for yourselves!

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Geplaatst 1 year ago door

We are now timing True Any% runs with real time. This is because the in-game timer is not entirely accurate, and can be manipulated with glitches or external tools.

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Geplaatst 1 year ago door

As of 2/25/23, in an Accuracy% run, every player in the run must record their own POV, and either post links to the other POVs in the run description when submitting, or have all the POVs edited together in one video and all POVs are shown at all times. This is to ensure that someone can't miss a shot while the person recording looks away. This is also because most weapon projectiles are calculated client-side, which means that sometimes if someone shoots an enemy, then the shot could completely miss on someone else's screen due to lag, which further complicates things.

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Stunt Runner BIG Update

Hello everyone my name is still Loading. . . So me and the mod team were discussing some changes to make to stunt runner. So a couple updates ago a patch was made that basically change the momentum that you could keep while playing stunt runner. This change basically made it nearly impossible to bea

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